I don’t use deoderant; I don’t feel the difference and I never really cared much about my smell; but my parent keeps bringing it up and it’s annoying.

Also, what’s wrong with smell? Human smells differ anyway.

  • MerchantsOfMisery@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    I don’t think you’re coming off as aggressive.

    When it’s a matter of mental health getting in the way of hygiene, I definitely am a lot more understanding. But if it’s someone who just doesn’t put on deodorant or doesn’t shower regularly because they think they don’t stink but others do, then I think it’s a little different.

    I’ll add that some peoples’ shower technique is terrible. I’m a guy and I’ve met countless men who legitimately believe they don’t need to wash their feet, armpits, butt or dick because they’re under the impression that the soapy water from the rest of their body makes its way over those regions so there’s no need to actually lather up and wash them. Also, drinking water helps a TON with body odor whereas drinking other stuff i.e. soft drinks just contributes towards body odor.

    But yeah, half the reason why I try not to judge strangers when it comes to hygiene stuff is because as yo said, I really have no clue what’s going on with their physical or mental health.