Laker Airlines 1981 - London Gatwick to Tampa
Caw caw
Laker Airlines 1981 - London Gatwick to Tampa
I agree completely. The original quote is, “Comparison is the thief of joy." ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Replying just to tell my friends we’ve been chatting 😁
I stopped drinking about 35 years ago. I wasn’t a big drinker. I was living in London and after a night out preferred to drive home rather than get the night bus or a cab so I just stopped. I would have a glass of lemonade or a coke when out with friends. It only took about 5 years for my friends to stop trying to cajole me into having a drink.
Not for me
Edit: apologies, I misunderstood that you were pranked first. I’m not a prank fan but you obviously have cause to retaliate. I’ll leave my original comment below.
This doesn’t make sense. “It’s just a prank bro… Can’t you take a joke?”
If the person being pranked doesn’t find it ‘funny’ what is it?
Don’t - one person’s pranking is another person’s bullying.
It should be noted that the article is 10 days old and bug fixes/improvements for the Instagram import tool are in the works.
Same here, on Android 12. Painfull if one has browsed quite a long way down a community, clicked on a thread and then get returned back to the top of all the posts. Also for me threads sometimes change colour to be me marked as read, other times not.
Personally, webdev, wordpress and photography
I should open up a stop to get more shadow detail.