Anyone that claims to speak on behalf of the universe is either a liar or a fool
Its not just about not getting banned, its also that were not dogpiled by Zionists calling us anti Semites (for the most part).
Those people seemed to give up once they realized no one was paying attention to their flameposting outside of the fediverse. The media doesn’t pick up on it (which is what they really want) unless you’re on one of the corporate social media sites where they can leverage their legal/monetary powers to amplify/silence the discussion per their will.
I really wish we took some more precautions before the reddit exodus. We saw it coming but I definitely didn’t do anything to plan for it. I guess I’d just not been there for such a long time that I forgot just how bad that userbase had gotten. steals the rights to what you upload just like any other big corporate website
“Oh no theyre bRiGaDiNg us!!!11”
I didn’t say ‘big tech’ I said ‘big corp’
Regardless, ‘big tech’ isn’t really a thing its just a buzzword used by the media to describe parasitic capitalism that uses computers
Also gitlab can afford billboards along the 101 in the middle of SanFrancisco so yeah they suck
Gitlab is also a big corp
Thats like voting for the lesser evil but still donating to their reelection
Yeah I can’t stand that whole cDc thing they have going. Their mastodon is really very boring
And they use discord for comms.
I was gonna say SCP but that’s kinda fallen apart.
Back the blue and buy a reverse mortgage
It would be cool to see an export of that game list by category.
Dunno if steam has any way of doing that