• Amicese
    12 years ago

    I tried making a website once; then I realized I had to pay.

    • @cult@lemmy.ml
      12 years ago

      Depends really. You can find a lot of places willing to host a static site. Make a GitHub account and start a repo with just a simple index.html file and then you can use GitHub Pages to freely host it.

      The only thing you’d have to pay for is the domain name (about $12/year)

      Other services like Netlify or Vercel will also more complex things. This is assuming some programming experience. But tbh, you can learn the basics of HTML and CSS enough to make a solid static site in 1-3 days.

      • Amicese
        12 years ago

        Yeah good point. It wouldn’t even take me much time to setup my own Lemmy instance.