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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • You just described a friend of mine. He’s a retired epidemiologist. Used to do tabletop modeling with his team, used to go to universities to give talks about what to do when an epidemic hits.

    For context, he’d said back when Ebola was making headlines that “we’re overdue for an epidemic, but this isn’t likely going to be it”. And then in February 2020 he warned me “it’s coming, I hope you have a plan”.

    He had also shared the following. It was so striking, I had to write it down:

    Rules for Understanding and Surviving an Epidemic:

    1. Nothing is under control
    2. They don’t know what they are doing
    3. You are on your own.

    I recently shared with him an article describing a confluence of data in the UK re COVID and the changing of the seasons, etc.

    His response:

    There will always be another wave of covid. None of which will be as bad as any of the preceding. I’ve pretty much reduced (mentally) the risks of covid to the risks of influenza and plan on treating each the same. And I don’t plan on making the wearing of masks a regular thing any more. However, getting on public transport, going to a concert, i.e., close quarters, I will probably treat those kinds of things as too high risk in the middle of a wave and take precautions.

    This is someone who needed to travel (by plane) later on in 2020, and was adamant he would be wearing a mask, adding that most people don’t know how to wear a mask correctly.

    Conversations with him over the years have been really informative. And yet it’s made me realize just how hopelessly lacking I am in the training and experience to be able to grok the things he does. General medicine being one area. But also the likes of statistics, and things such as how/why it’s not important to have 100% immunization, and how our brains aren’t wired to easily understand what exponential growth means in practice. He’s only too happy to reference studies; not just a specific one that supports his opinion, but looking up all the studies on the subject and working out whether they strongly support one position or a other, adding that if it’s roughly 50/50, then the conclusion is there’s no compelling evidence either way. This man loves poring over studies.

    And to your point, he has made general comments indicating a lack of faith in humanity, not to mention some others in his profession.

    Not for nothing, my wife and I got our annual flu shots last weekend.

  • It absolutely is.

    If you recall from 9/11, many people made the decision to jump from those buildings, rather that get burned to death. And by “decision”, I mean something fundamentally primal, and not a rational human being weighing the odds.

    The drive to survive is strong in us. Fire is I believe at the top of the hierarchy of motivators deeply woven into our brain to avoid.

    As another poster said regarding this particular thread, those people very likely succumbed to smoke inhalation before being burned. Not a great comfort, but it sounds preferable to being conscious and aware when the fire closes in.

    … I think it’s time to go look at videos of kittens and puppies now.

  • As someone who has had to grind through heaps of logs over the years, from systems in various timezones, from products that disagreed on the ‘best’ datetime format, I’ve become a fan of adopting ISO 8601 as much as possible. For personal systems such as a laptop, that’s a different story. But if I’m spinning up an EC2 instance in us-west-2 or a VM in Central Europe, I avoid the whole “err, what TZ is this in, or should even be in?” decision-making process and just run with WHO CARES IT’S SET TO UTC NOW LET’S MOVE ON ALREADY 😀

    And not that anyone here is likely to care, but here’s a quick shout out to lnav - The Logfile Navigator for grinding on system logs (for systems where something like Prometheus or whatever hasn’t been proactively set up).

  • I’ve been using Manjaro for the last 2 years, it I’ll admit to finding NixOS interesting.

    A couple of areas I have yet researched, though:

    1. Is there a UI for the package manager?

    I realize that Nix is really powerful, and have even installed it and tinkered a bit with it. But it would be nice to be able to have a UI to quickly search and install packages of interest, and leave the CLI for the more nuanced package activities.

    I’ve got quite a few years of experience using yum and apt. The former, about 20 years now. I use pacman mainly to do updates, and yay to install packages pacman doesn’t know about. It even in Manjaro, sometimes it’s just more convenient to use the UI package manager.

    Learning my way around Nix… well, were back to the problem of infrequency. Use it once a week, and only to do the one thing, then everything else is back to googling. If there was a UI package manager to use most times, leaving the CLI for the more nuanced activities, then…

    1. Is there a tool for adapting/installing RPM or DEB packages?

    I’ve had occasion to install something on Manjaro which was only available as a set of RPMs (try/buy graphics software). I managed to get there eventually, thanks to Google.