I am very new to Lemmy, and I am using the Eternity app. But I am wondering which one you guys are using, and maybe there are better one’s than Eternity without me knowing
Boost for Lemmy
Voyager because it looks and feels like Apollo for Reddit (RIP BTW)
I like Jerboa because it’s very straightforward and has no frills.
Voyager with the Android theme enabled, it looks quite nice and feels more polished than other clients
Boost. I used it on Reddit, continued to use it through the mod workaround, switched to Boost for Lemmy after they shut that down yesterday, and now here I am.
I used boost until I saw it was sending me dark pattern ads from an ad network, to which the dev had noted they reported it, until it happened again and I moved to voyager, where I no longer have such a problem.
I’m using thunder because it’s the best of what I’ve tried.
I have tried almost all clients on Android.
Best In my opinion:
- Thunder
- Jerboa
- Raccoon for Lemmy
- Voyager
To me thunder has the best UI and UX overall, even though I prefers the “card view” feed from Raccoon and some functions of Jerboa.
Jerboa. Of the ones I have tried, it feels the most like Baconreader (RIP) to me.
Jerboa hits that same sweet spot that RIF did.
Jerboa. From the Lemmy devs and works great.