• poVoq
    01 year ago

    Why is it that red-brown “communists” are happy protesting with their new (old) fascist friends for a peace they full well know will not come by protesting in western capitals, while the imperialist aggressor is brutally suppressing all anti-war protests in their own country?

    Anarchist are busy actually providing humanitarian aid in Ukraine or sabotaging war efforts inside Russia.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      1 year ago

      Anarchists are busy promoting NATO proxy war at home and ensuring that thousands of people are dying in this conflict. That’s what you people are actually achieving. Anarchist position always perfectly aligns with the US foreign policy because anarchists are really just liberals in the end. Just come out and say it openly that you want this war to go on and Ukrainians to keep dying for your liberal ideology. That’s what it’s all about in the end.

      • poVoq
        21 year ago

        This is complete BS and you know it. This war will only end when Russia decides it has had enough of their current imperialist conquest.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          1 year ago

          Complete BS is what you’re peddling here. The reality is that there will likely not be an Ukraine left at the end of the war, and this might turn into a full on global war and a nuclear holocaust. The imbeciles in the west who continue to support this war thinking that they can dominate Russia instead of sitting down and negotiating are driving us towards extinction.

          And you just have to look at whom the rest of the world is aligning with to see who is on the right side of history here. There’s a reason that the global south is not toeing the line of western colonizers in this conflict.

          • poVoq
            -31 year ago

            How is this contradicting what I said? And (some of) the rest of the world is taking a neutral stance which is a purely utilitarian position and says nothing about what sympathies they have for either side.

            P.S. the colonizers in this case are clearly the Russians. That is a historic fact.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              1 year ago

              The rest of the world is not taking a neutral stance at all. In fact, the rest of the world is pretty openly supporting Russia and denouncing the west at this point. https://usrussiaaccord.org/acura-viewpoint-krishen-mehta-the-ukraine-war-viewed-from-the-global-south/

              All your support for the war is achieving is ensuring that thousands of people die and that we live in a more dangerous world driving us towards the end of human civilization and possible human extinction. This is what you are doing.

              The tiny percentage of the world population living in the west wants to have a hegemony over the entire planet and is willing to risk a nuclear holocaust to achieve that. Anarchists are firmly at the forefront of that.

              • poVoq
                -41 year ago

                You need to lay off the Russian propaganda. The nonaligned states explicitly have a neutral stance and urge both sides to enter peace negotiations as soon as possible. This even includes China. That is not “supporting” Russia, who is clearly the aggressor and can chose to stop the war any time they want.

                And I am not supporting the war, I am just realistic about what can be achieved and who is ultimately responsible.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  31 year ago

                  You need to lay off the NATO propaganda. Everybody with a couple of brain cells to bang together understands why states don’t want to openly state a policy contrary to the west. However, China and India have been pretty open regarding whom they see as being at fault for the war. Expecting intellectual honesty from an anarchist is not something to be expected though.

                  • poVoq
                    -21 year ago

                    Pretty open support? Read again the official Chinese statement you yourself linked here a few days ago, that is not support, that is urging the Russians to stop this madness.

                  • krolden
                    -21 year ago

                    I think you’re both infected with the same brainworms but are refusing treatment.

        • krolden
          31 year ago

          Or when USA decides no more free war machines. I also wouldn’t call Russia’s actions imperialist as everything going on in eastern Europe the Russian response to NATO expansion.

          But I guess I’m just a liberal according to the tankies.

          • @pingveno@lemmy.ml
            11 year ago

            Or when USA decides no more free war machines.

            Thing is, from the US’s standpoint this is, to put it coldly, a great cost-benefit ratio. The cost to the US has been chump change, with much of the transferred equipment nearing end of life anyway. Meanwhile, European allies are fiercely determined to make this very painful for Russia so there isn’t a repeat performance.

            I also wouldn’t call Russia’s actions imperialist as everything going on in eastern Europe the Russian response to NATO expansion.

            If you buy the narrative about NATO expansion being equivalent to imperialism, sure. Or you could see it as a bunch of countries being afraid of Russia, so they joined NATO to gain protection. The narrative that NATO is going to attack Russia is simply wrong. It never has attacked Russia, and even with sending weapons to Ukraine it is supplying a nation purely with weapons against a foreign invader. Russia citizens could be immune from NATO supplied weapons tomorrow if Russia stopped the invasion.

          • @Flavourful@lemmy.ml
            -11 year ago

            They’re imperialist though. Putin is raging about restoring the old Soviet bloc and these states not having a justification for existing outside Russia. And then invading another sovereign country with that excuse can’t get more imperialist.

          • poVoq
            -11 year ago

            Both can be true the same time. The Russian response is clearly imperialist because they consider eastern Europe to be part of their empire and thus fight against another empire trying to pull these now independent countries to their side. But that is IMHO no justification for invading another country, especially when these now independent countries have every reason to be suspicious of their former Russian colonizers.

            • krolden
              21 year ago

              Well when a ‘democatic’ state next to yours undergoes a coup orchestrated by western powers at the behest of the global banking system and a bunch of people there call bullshit on it and ask for your help what do you do?

              • poVoq
                -21 year ago

                This “coup” wasn’t really one, but sure the US tried to influence the outcome of this revolution to their benefit.

                As for “asking for help”, I can tell you this is not true. I personally went to Ukraine last year to provide humanitarian aid and spoke to many Russian speaking Ukrainians fleeing the Russian attacks. They clearly were not happy with the Ukrainian state either (obviously), but they definitely did not ask the Russians to invade their country and bomb their homes.

              • @Flavourful@lemmy.ml
                -31 year ago

                The banks had the western countries force Ukraine to oust their leader who shot protestors which were angry over said leader who made a 180° turn towards Russia?