Admin on the Lemmy instance.
He/Him or what ever you feel like.
Avatar is an image of a baby octopus.
Cool, can you share some pictures of that biodiesel production over at ! some time?
Especially ironic to install a backseat for a second person on a scooter with such a low weight limit.
ActivityPub is not very well suited for real-time communication, but there are some attempts like Sup.
I think the best is to integrate an existing Fedivserse instance with XMPP. We do that on our instance where every member automatically has a XMPP account reachable under the same address as on the Fediverse. We also host a Movim client that does chat as well as 1:1 A/V calls (group calls are coming soon).
I wonder why they singled out Portugal like that 🤔
No, like I wrote in my edit: I recommend reading up on the ATproto design. It’s not necessarily bad if your goal is to create a single global town-square (i.e. Twitter like) microblogging website, but given this design goal, it will always be dominated by a single entity controlling the app view, and that is likely to be Bluesky itself.
$4m is not nearly enough to wrestle control away from Bluesky, and even if that would succeed you would have not fundamentally changed the situation but just replaced one single controlling entity with another.
Well, obviously the $4m wouldn’t have to be spend on ActivityPub protocol development, meaning it could be spend way more effectively to on specific gaps in the network and software.
But even that aside, ATproto is a funnel towards Bluesky the company. It’s fundamentally designed to have a winner takes all situation, so yes maybe these $4m could be effectively used to improve it, but the only one that will ultimatly benefit from that is Bluesky.
Edit: I guess I am just repeating myself. But I recommend reading up on the ATproto design. It’s not necessarily bad if your goal is to create a single global town-square (i.e. Twitter like) microblogging website, but given this design goal, it will always be dominated by a single entity controlling the app view, and that is likely to be Bluesky itself.
It’s better for Bluesky (the for-profit company) to keep control of the network, otherwise it is a lot worse than ActivityPub.
The $4m would be better invested in the Fediverse. ATproto is designed with a winner takes all philosophy and Bluesky has the headstart and more funds, so this is a wasted effort most likely.
Bookchin has had a lot of good ideas, but this is mostly “Old man yells at kids playing on his lawn”.
And this article is partially a response to it.
They have not stopped exporting fossile fuels and to my knowledge at least they also don’t plan to do so in the near future.
While I mostly agree with your argument, the personal attacks are both unecessary and against our site rules.
On TikTok? I doubt that. Do you have any examples?
Most of the content on TikTok is created by people because they want to earn money with it. But most of it isn’t content which would make it possible to build up a supporter base through Patreon, OnlyFans etc. So where is the money going to come from to attract such content creators to a potential Fediverse TikTok alternative?
Extremely selective and not very representative examples, and just parroting some nonsense by industry lobby groups.
Yes, Europe has some structural issues it needs to deal with, but I suspect this video will age very badly in the next few years.
It is generally a good idea to have multiple mods and it should be encouraged for mods to have a back-channel to coordinate (we for example offer a XMPP based chat system for members of our instance) so that less moderation decisions are self-involved and made in the heat of the moment. But ultimately the idea that the mods are the ones that are in control of a community is the least bad of the various alternatives, and certainly admin overreach is more problematic than mod overreach, as people can easily switch to another community if they don’t like the mods’ decisions in one community.
That is all they claim to store for later retrival*, which is not the same as what they would be able to capture in real-time and hand over to law-enforcement if forced to by a court (and they wouldn’t be able to tell you about it because of a gag-order).
*However this claim is contradicted by the source-code of their server (which they sometimes publish) which seems to store significantly more and of course this is assuming the code is indeed the same as the one they run on their servers, which is unclear.
Edit: and their servers run on AWS, so even if Signal itself doesn’t store the IP addresses, Amazon certainly could.
You seem to be highly misinformed what metadata is. A server for example will always have access to unencrypted IP addresses from the clients connecting to it, this is impossible to avoid unless you use a service like Tor that relays internet traffic, but that has very little to do with “encryption”.
Except that most of the metadata isn’t encrypted anywhere and usually also can’t be encrypted as otherwise the service wouldn’t be able to function.
This is false. There is still plenty of metadata that centralized providers can capture and turn over and that is usually sufficient for law-enforcement to get the information they want.
While technically correct, it is more of a stagnation isn’t it? And if fact most of the economy is growing fine, it is just some energy intensive and highly export oriented industries that do not. Clearly not the best situation to be in, but structural adjustments take time and the previous Merkel government wasted a lot of time doing nothing, so no big surprise.