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Didn’t even know that this existed. Will have to try. Thumbs up for using mark up which makes it easy to export/import notes.
Ich schau alle Tage mal bei der deutschen und auch internationalen Presseschau:
Spart viel Zeit, man bekommt einen kurzen Überblick über die meist diskutierten Themen und man kann es sich auch anhören statt selber zu lesen.
You can also use Syncthing to keep your notes synchronized across multiple devices. Syncthing is an app that does just that (keep files synchronized in the background).
Forkyz let’s you download and solve crossword puzzles.
It comes with an inbuilt list of sources for different languages but you can also manually add new ones. Many newspapers publish crosswords daily or weekly for free so there’s plenty of options.
There are separate options for shuffling songs and categories (albums, artists, folders, genre, etc) and you can toggle them independently of each other.
It should be offered as an option really.
One caveat is that you need to think ahead about how much space you want to assign to each partition. You could end up with your /home/
partition being full while the system partition still has plenty. Or vice versa. You can manually readjust the boundaries but it requires some understanding and can’t be done on the fly by a non-technical user. By contrast if everything’s stored on the same partition you never have to worry about this.
You can, by the way, manually recreate this set up even after the initial set up although it will require lots of free space to shuffle around files (or some external storage to temporarily hold them). Basically what you do is create a new empty partition, copy all your /home/
stuff there and then configure your system to always mount that partition as the /home/
directory when it boots. Files are just files after all and the operating system doesn’t really care where they come from as long as the content is correct. Once you got it working you can delete the originals and free up the space to be used otherwise.
Typically your personal files and app settings are stored somewhere in your user home folder, eg under /home/bob/
. Ideally you’ve set up your system in a way so that the entire /home/
folder is stored on its own disk or partition at least. That let’s you boot up a different distro while using the same home directory. But even if you haven’t set it up separately from the rest of the system, you can still manually copy all those files.
Not every single application setting is transferable between distros as they sometimes use different versions but generally it works well. Many apps also let you manually export profiles or settings and reimport them elsewhere later. Or they have online synchronization baked in.
Search results being polluted by llm content is so annoying. As if all the SEO didn’t do enough already to bring down overall web quality.
Recently I was searching for some technical guidance on how to do a particular thingy with the IPython coding framework and found just the right page. Except when I tried to run the examples, nothing worked because it was all made up! The entire site/domain was a collection of machine generated answers made to look like blog posts to common programming questions (which they probably scraped from some site with real human collaboration).
I can’t even.
Kann man auch direkt im Browser spielen auf Es gibt viele tolle Schachvarianten, die anregen mal anders zu denken. Mein Favorit ist die Version in der die Startaufstellung der Figuren zufällig ist (aber symmetrisch für schwarz und weiß). Statt immer die selben routinierten Eröffnungen zu spielen ist man hier vom ersten Zug an mit einer neuen Situation konfrontiert.
It’s worth a try for sure. But for many people it’s not possible because they work in a team and/or are reliant on a common schedule with externals. So either everyone starts an hour later or noone does which is really hard to coordinate.
Manche Videospiele machen das schon so. Einfach mit dem Zeiger über einen hervorgehobenen Namen fahren und man erhält einen kurzen Tooltip mit 1-2 Sätzen Erklärung. Klappt vor allem gut für Hintergrundwissen der Welt (lore), vor allem Schauplätze und historische Personen, also alles was sich im Spielverlauf nicht ändert.
Hmm, das erinnert an die Erzählung Les Revenentes von George Perec in dem der Bischof von Exeter eine wilde Sexorgie veranstaltet. Perec hat die Idee vermutlich nicht ganz aus der Luft gegriffen. Dieses Buch enthält übrigens als einzigen Vokal das E.
Gibt auch eine deutsche Übersetzung unter dem Titel De Weedergenger, die keinenfalls einfach gewesen sein dürfte. Kleine Kostprobe gefällig?:
Regelrecht heppy wehr´ch, wenn deeser Text dee Prehzedentjen geklehrt hette!
Ist teilweise sehr ungewohnt zu lesen, aber wenn man es sich selbst laut vorliest, kann man gut den Sinn aus der eigenen Stimme rekonstruieren. Ist iwie so als wenn jemand mit ulkigem Dialekt sprechen würde.
Mustafa’s Gemüsekebab ist direkt vor einem großen Jugendhostel und am Ausgang des Knotenpunktes U7/U6. Das erklärt schon mal einiges.
Aber der Mustafa ist mmm schon zu recht berühmt: zB mit frittierten Kartoffeln, Auberginen und Paprika, dazu eine hauseigene Kräutermischung und frischem Zitronensaft oben drauf. Wo gibt es das sonst schon? Vor allem wenn man den geringen Preis bedenkt ein super Angebot.
Ich kenne natürlich nicht jeden einzelnen Laden aber die meisten in Berlin bieten die gleichen Standard Zutaten und Soßen an, die sie aus dem Großhandel beziehen. Daher schmeckt es bei denen dann überall gleich und wenn sich jemand die Mühe macht selber etwas zuzubereiten sticht’s gleich hervor.
It’s so annoying to have to discover the rules one rejected attempt at a time. Worse yet: sometimes you just get vague feedback a la “password contains illegal characters”. I usually let KeePassXC generate a safe password for me but in that case I then have to manually permutate the different character classes (numbers, letters, spaces, punctuation, etc) until I find the offender. No good.
Aww, too bad. I really rely on autocorrection suggestions a lot as it speeds up my typing.
different dictionaries but merged into one.
many keyboards handle it like this: if you switch to English keyboard layout, you get English autocomplete, if you switch to chzech layout you get suggestions for chzech words, etc
what I want is to be able to pick any layout and get suggested words from English, Czech and whatever other languages I select.
In my recent experience Google still delivers better results for tech troubleshooting queries. “linux drivers for acer e15 card reader” at least points me to some semi-relevant pages on Google that could lead to a solution or more ideas where to look while ddg throws a lot of generic stuff that is only faintly related.
Easy: simply declare that the sovereign nation you seek to eliminate has always been part of your empire. Now it’s no longer ‘outside Russia’. Conscripts hate this one trick.