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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • Affluenza.

    Once you have so much it’s obscene, you don’t have any peers.

    Without peers, you don’t have true accountability. Without accountability man becomes monster

    It should be in the DSM, seriously. Then we can argue we’re legislating a maximum annual income limit for their own good, to protect their mental health - and we wouldn’t be lying in the least.

    Ever met a wealthy child?

    Monsters. All of em. #eattherich

    The truly sad part too, is real connection to the past, to humanity, that wave of empathy and seeing your place in the chain, happens when we are doing the same mundane things that those chucklefucks think their too good for. First time it happened to me I was meading the dough for some daily bread. And it was like the history of my ancestors and I all merged into one, all around this one activity.

    People without people aren’t people.

  • I mean…Russia stands to benefit the most from climate change. Followed by Canada.

    A few degrees centigrade and just about everything below the 40th parallel become unhabitable. That leaves the northern border states in the US. 350million of us gonna squeeze into Washington, Montana (fuck Idaho) N.Dakota Minnesota, NY, New Hampy, Verminion and Maine? IDK about that.

    For the first 20 years of my life I thought we would step up and have a plan to avoid the worst. That next 20 years I was waiting for real coordination to be heard over the politicking. The last few years I realized we do have a plan. And that plan is the exact one I thought was waaaay too barbaric for modern times but now I’m convinced it’s the only outcome we’ve planned for at all.

    And that’s to build the wall and drop a machine gun every 20ft. There’s ~200million people between us and South America and the army has way way more ammunition stored up than just that.

    So the choice of having the world’s rich humbled down to the common man and we all degrowth or slaughter 200million people, America has chosen blood.

  • SoylentBlake@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlViolence has no place in politics
    13 days ago

    Politics is nothing but coordinated violence, in that it is nothing but coercion of people against their own interests. If you’re an interested party, than youre adding to the coercion of others. If you stay out of it, then it’s not political to you is it?




    Try telling people whose rent has doubled or tripled within a decade that economics isn’t violence. You’ll experience some carnal violence in return, I’m sure.

    Politics = violence; it’s the NC-17 version, violence all grown up and sophisticated. Sanitized for TV, in it for the sound bites. In fact, I’d say at least half of it is theatre alone. It’s even been packaged up for the people to play along from home. The evolution of violence, fun for the whole family. I mean, what else would we talk about come holidays? HELPING each other?!?

  • Not gonna lie. I know about 50 women with psych degrees. Out of these 50, exactly 2 of them use those degrees and theyre both escorts.

    Women should sue higher education writ large for the swindle that is a psych degree. Any promise that it would lead to work was a known lie. That shit is crack to women. Go figure out yourself, and other people, sprinkle in true crime and look at that. Dean’s were more predatory than pimps.

  • Yip. I took the government what, 17 years…? from suing to breaking up AT+T, and they were the largest company in America that entire time.

    At+t tried to slap em with some exorbitant long distance charges and Uncle Sam got tired of the fuck around.

    To today; Google’s been showing the wrong people the wrong kind of ads. Showing representatives ads for laundromats and daycares that offer drivinga ed after looking up how to launder money and traffic children. NO google, I did NOT mean THAT

  • I witnessed 5 police officers all hit a man on the ground with their tasers. Broad daylight.

    Died on the scene of a heart attack. Apparently natural causes. The polices internal investigations found the police did no wrong, imagine that.

    Unless you make enough money that you can regularly “donate” to the force, I suggest that you assume they are not there to help you and you protect yourself accordingly

  • They are thinking the got the customer by the balls because they’re a state sanctioned monopoly. They’re so big the CEO of Samsung has essentially the same power as the SK president.

    Every major corp out of SK is a state sanctioned monopoly. The government tells Samsung “make washing machines now” and Samsung does.

    I know it’s been widely overlooked to allow South Korea to economically develop after the armistice, cold war and all, but at some point the rest of the free trading world is going to have to hit them with tariffs to protect native, or critical industries.

    Frankly I’m really tired of looking the other way for any reason. Every other day it’s a headline about how some government or multinational led the public on a 20 year gaslighting campaign. If I were to say, “hey did you hear that story about XXXY(any well known mega corp)?” Do you think I’d have a positive wholesome story to share? No. Because there never is. The structure of a corporation is set up to protect financiers from liability from the crimes theyre guaranteed to commit thru abusive, shortsighted, toxic business. It’s literally the fucking point. But we don’t have to accept that, and we don’t have to choke back and somehow keep down our sense of justice, or be passively complicit, which is to nueter your morality, your sense of self

    Our individual actions do matter in this case. Like don’t buy shit off Temu, theyre using slave labor. Don’t endorse that. Don’t buy anything out of Dubai or Saudi Arabia, they, also, keep slaves. Don’t support slavery. Including wage slavery. Don’t do business with Israel until an non Zionist coalition is back in charge. Don’t buy anything Russian. Genocide is not an acceptable modern practice. It CAN’T be. Boycott Mississippi and Louisiana as well, since they like to let their prisoners die of treatable conditions and bury them in unmarked graves. That is ALSO a genocide. Don’t fucking fund crimes against humanity. This is kindergarten levels of sophistication.

    And hopefully enough people will actually live their morals and gain seats of power, because we have to. Otherwise waves hands THIS.

  • This is due to activist investors.

    That’s people who’ll buy up enough stock to be allowed at shareholders meetings and then they’ll fucking DRILL the C-suite non-stop, derailing the meetings.

    It’s a good strategy, even if it forces you in bed with evil. Make the rest of the shareholders undeniably knowledgeable and then theyll have to contend with shame or don the moniker themselves. Or start demanding ethical business practices themselves, which is what the lawsuit is ultimately trying to avoid.