Eu nem teria lido se não fosse esse comentário, foi até bom kkkk
Eu nem teria lido se não fosse esse comentário, foi até bom kkkk
O Brasil usa 10,9 kg de agrotóxicos para cada hectare de lavoura (10 mil m2). Já os EUA usam 2,85 kg/ha; a China, 1,9 kg/ha.
Em 2021, foram usados no Brasil 3,31 kg de agrotóxicos por pessoa. Nos EUA, foram 1,36 kg per capita; e na China, 0,17 kg per capita.
Mesmo assim o consumo é maior, eles explicam no artigo que é por causa da soja pra exportação que é altamente dependente de agrotóxico.
My ps1 probably. I just played with it yesterday and I loved it.
It sounds very weird and you know immediately it’s a foreigner speaking. When you are fluent the genders just come naturally, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a native making a mistake like that, maybe children.
I wouldn’t correct anyone unless they want to learn though, the noun itself is more important and it carries the meaning across.
This is for Brazilian Portuguese at least.
Winter in Brazil if from june to september, but honestly though it feels like there is one or two weeks of cold and the rest is just as hot as any day. I remember a year where I didn’t wear long sleeved shirts or coats at all.
I wish they sold it in my country
At first glance I thought it was Millie Bobby Brown
In Brazil they’re pretty much the same although technically a university offers more courses and colleges are more specific, like for example an engineering/technology focused college.
I don’t think this map shows where those things are, just how big they are in total. I’m not from the USA but I’m guessing there isn’t just one gigantic ass national park up north and no more parks anywhere else.
This is amazing! I really wanna use something like this as wallpaper. I have a bakemonogatari power cable one but it’s been there for too long already.
By the way what did you think of the anime? I loved it though I understood very little of it lol
I miss microvolts before surge, wish there was anything like that nowadays. I only played melee.
Seaford* looking good
Also the student version is so cheap and there is so much more content than anything really. YouTube music is awesome too.
Jerboa has been crashing on me lately so I’ve been using Connect while it gets fixed. No complaints so far.
I’m surprised to see this happen to so many people. I too read a lot in high school and after college I just couldn’t even start a book.
What helped me was reading something really easy that I used to like back when I was younger, like Percy Jackson and Harry Potter, just one or two chapters a day. Sometimes I waste the entire day just reading now.
I don’t think it ruins the joke nor does it bother me. If it helps people see the joke it’s fine. Also it’s probably useful for those who have a hard time understanding others, like people with autism.
You brought back to me some good old memories with that Donald duck meme lol