I just synced them in a triangle between my phone, laptop and desktop.
This is precisely my setup, haha! But I don’t even use my desktop often enough to merit a server…
Mail and calendar I’m still trying to figure out. VPN you don’t need as long as you use HTTPS everywhere.
password manager
Collabora Office + LibreOffice
What are the pros and cons relative to proton?
Pros: free, open source, and 100% offline with no intermediary company. Your file security is entirely in your own hands.
Cons: you must devise your own cross-device sync system. I use Syncthing + Syncthing-Fork.
What are the mobile apps like?
Collabora is currently just bad lol. It’s best reserved for really simple edits, if not just for viewing, with all major changes made on a desktop/laptop computer. KeePassDX isn’t terrible but it can’t view all the fields that the KeePassXC desktop platform can, and getting it to take PIN instead of password for vault-unlocking is really convoluted (although you’d only have to do it once).
What assurances do you have they won’t go full proton in the future?
They’re all open-source so anyone dissatisfied with the direction that the maintainers go in can fork them at any time.
Or just keep using mobile data
That merely moves it to the carrier knowing, though, right?
Unfortunately my ex got it in the divorce.
Oh, okay, then it sucks. You’re missing out on nothin’!
No problem. It’s easy enough:
Anyway, for exploration-driven story, Subnautica is the king of the mountain, by a ridiculously wide margin.
It’s not open-source, though, right? That’s what led me to finally leave it… Incredibly powerful tool otherwise.
Wise concern. I never tried Beeper, either, despite becoming eligible from the waitlist.
It’s no massively strong recommendation of mine, but File Explorer has been decent. Talk about a name, though, haha.
ik he doesn’t care about consent
That’s it. That’s all your post needed to include. Literally everything else is unnecessary. Your history with your ex is irrelevant to this critical factor.
This is the only piece of information that matters, and it screams, “Hell, no.” This man shouldn’t exist in your romantic space.
Fight the loneliness by working hard over a year to build platonic friendships with groups of people. And then you’ll be able to reenter the arena of romance with a level head, unclouded. Don’t let loneliness cave your standards down. That almost never leads to anything lasting and satisfactory. I’m sorry for the pain you’re going through but the guy you say you’re considering will only severely worsen things, based on your descriptions.
Why they would intentionally use that music is beyond me!
Interesting, so the devices could be countries apart, hypothetically speaking? I had no idea if so.
Wait… I thought the whole premise of Syncthing is that the syncing devices need to be on the same Wi-Fi network. How do you configure it to not need this?
They’ve helped me figure out some nested spreadsheet formulas that were pretty complicated to me.
What typically happens is that they mess up, but their malfunctioning code still has something in it that I hadn’t considered, which leads me in the right direction. They have their place in terms of helpfulness when you can’t or don’t want to wait for someone.