• bh11235@infosec.pub
    1 year ago

    Have you seen Mystic pop up bar? Or tomorrow? Both are about the after life.

    Welp. Out with it, I guess: I have extreme fatigue with the urban fantasy “myth and legend is TRUE but in an ordinary and relatable way! What if Zeus was one of us, just a slob like one of us…” concept. I don’t know who to blame / give credit for kick-starting this ubiquitous trend; Probably the origin fission event was the early 2000s releases of Gaiman’s American Gods and Square / Disney’s Kingdom Hearts video game, and the critical threshold was crossed with Once Upon a Time. Back then the idea floored me and I couldn’t get enough of it, now I feel I’ve drunk my fill of it for a lifetime. Whatever remaining capacity for this stuff I had – “but what if it’s really funny and really clever and really profound and everything you like in a show, huh, what then?” – was taken care of by The Good Place. So, I’m sure those are very good shows, I’m just the worst person you could ask to appreciate them.