That pool is a giant toilet. Just saying.
Those sharks are in for a treat.
Some folk prefer to only eat the filling.
Left shark :(
I forgot about that meme!
Most people are definitely going to shit themselves in the water. Horrible idea.
Maybe that’s my kink
Great idea you mean! That’s what keeps the sharks away!
Aqua dump.
I had an endoscopy a few years back, and the first step in preparing is to take a bunch of laxatives. I followed the directions and took 6 pills or whatever it said, then my wife said, “Well, do you want to go shopping or something?”
“NO! I just took a bunch of laxatives!” I have no idea what she was thinking.
I had forgotten about that until seeing this comic. So…thanks?
Why destroy your own toilet when you can obliterate the one at the mall?
Joke’s on them - I’d be squatting off the edge of the starting platform.
99.9% chance a contestant is gonna end up soiling the water anyway, so they’re already prepared for that, and I can’t get eaten by the sharks if I’m not in there with them.
Would be easy for the first competitor. Gets tougher the longer the day goes.
You’d probably want to stagger the doses for the competitors
Won’t clean the water though lol
Anywhere can be a toilet, if you are desperate enough.
“What are these people running from? They’re not! They’re running TO…”
Who knew that inside Takeshi’s Castle, there was a porcelain throne?
Most Extreme Elimination Challenge!
Right you are, Ken!
Toilet schmoilet. Imma fling a poo through the flaming ring. See if I can hit the announcer.
Certainly better than what I first imagined reading the title.
“WHO THE FUCK SHIT IN MY GAUNTLETS?!” - Knight getting ready for battle
Veterans and any serious athletes’ major advantage: you’re gonna have shit yourself sometime. Better just to take your time with the course and/or otherwise not worry much about holding it in. Fastest time’s probably going to be leaving brown streaks somewhere far short of that toilet.
I could win, ass like a blast door.
Poop like a lightsaber