Funnily enough, this requires exactly the kind of pattern recognition skills that AIs are extremely good at. If I, as a musical layman, were challenged by this I would give AI a shot to solve it.
Funnily enough, this requires exactly the kind of pattern recognition skills that AIs are extremely good at. If I, as a musical layman, were challenged by this I would give AI a shot to solve it.
And that’s why I usually cook while doing the dishes.
I call it “wirbling” and imagine myself as the Tasmanian Devil from the Looney Tunes cartoons when I blitz through the house doing all the chores. Once the momentum has been built it’s much easier to keep going, even on stuff I’ve been putting off.
I was just thinking this is from r/im14andthisisdeep.
Those sharks are in for a treat.
Yeah, just make a phone call instead. Easy, right?
The Longest Day, IIRC, but it’s a small part.
Overly lengthy AI slop posted by a bot to shill for a stupid app? No thank you.
Some people are obviously farming clown awards on the Steam Community forums, probably to distract themselves from their pitifully meaningless existence.
As I’ve said before, Steam needs stronger moderation. But barring people who don’t own the game from the conversation is not the solution. Sometimes you have legitimate questions about a game before you buy. Or maybe you own it on another platform.
Classic Christopher Walken cadence.
Playing a lot of Luigi’s Adventure.
I mean, he has added plenty of vice to the presidency.
And a very merry Christmas to you as well!
Again, you point out why “normal” is an iffy notion to begin with. Thank you for elaborating instead of just downvoting. 🙂
Failing to fully utilize the existing antenna diversity options on modern routers/APs might be another common cause that comes to mind.
Except if you have an ECOVACS cleaning robot which refuses to work with modern 5GHz networks. I actually had to install a Wi-Fi bridge to get around that limitation; thankfully, I still had one lying around. Helped me get a better signal for my phone in the bathroom as well.
But thank you for adding this information. Congestion due to interference from other networks (I guess that’s what you meant) can definitely be a factor as well. I guess that’s the problem with the notion of “normal” that I employed rather carelessly.
Sidenote: the fact that your Wi-Fi still works in those conditions at all instead of shutting down goes back to pioneering research done by actress-cum-scientist Hedy Lamarr during WW2. Amazing woman.
Sort of a serious answer because I’m bored: You’re thinking of speeding up the air when what you should be thinking about is speeding up the waves. But then your waves are reaching you plenty fast already with latency being in the single digit ms range. Not much of a point in trying to accelerate that, really. You won’t notice anyway.
If you feel like your internet connection via Wi-Fi is slow then the bottleneck is probably not with the Wi-Fi part of your network but the Internet Access Point behind it. Or even further down the line.
Now this is based on the assumption that you are in a fairly typical network environment, i.e. using semi-current hardware with moderate, if any, electromagnetic interference in the area. If you’re living right next to a high voltage transformer station and using a router from 2008 then, yes, you’re going to have Wi-Fi performance issues.
But in most cases, people complaining about “slow Wi-Fi” are actually suffering from Internet connectivity issues.
Think of it this way: If you enjoy your McDonald’s from the local franchise but you can only get 100 burgers per hour from them (of course you need MOAR!) then upgrading your 320hp Camaro to a 400hp Mustang is not going to enable you to pick up appreciably more burgers from the drive through in the same amount of time.
They’re really telling on themselves. Scared shitless.
Shiiit now I’ve got to take up smoking again. Just when I’ve been clean for 25 years.
Gratuitous acts of memery. Cats, Pikachu faces, swole doge and Cheems - you name it. Arcane to the uninitiated, ever so meaningful to the inner circle.
How shallow and pedantic that would be.
(you’ve got a point there)
“Shmermany and Shmance shmiticize nyahh nyaa…”
I’m sick and tired of reading this kind of empty, pointless “news”. STOP ENTERTAINING HIS BULLSHIT. It doesn’t warrant public debate. Let him know via diplomatic channels it’s not gonna happen but don’t let him hog the public’s attention.
Same with other clowns in the public eye. Don’t give them the attention. Point out what’s really happening and what people can do about it instead.
You’re helping them turn politics into high school drama. Gah. We really are getting stupider as a species.