Pretty convincing explanation of why we should hold Silicon Valley morally accountable for their shitty management. As usual, Ed could have stood to be a little more Marxist; in particular, there is a reason why enshittification and rot naturally happens to companies as they age, and it’s precisely the tendency for profits to decline over time!
Bonus sneer: it got double-secret-shadow-banned on HN; here is the submission. Cowards.
Btw slur against people who refuse to use ai apparently dropped. “Refuseniks”. A very Bruce noo moment.
Also a very, google that new word you just invented because this is a very weird reference moment: (even if the term itself is very grokAI (aka wordplay that 60 year olds think is edgy or cool, but actually so without edge it will not cut warm butter)).
E: whoops wrong thread, imagine this was in the random sneers thread
I honestly had no idea of the original Russian meaning of the gloss. To me “refusenik” implies some sort of hard-left hippie.
Apropos Bruce, I have this writeup sitting around half-finished, where I go over the AI chapters of A Hackers Mind and try to pinpoint his naivité (however you spell that) of the subject. I really should dump that in a Snubstack.