I can live cause I’m rich and can afford a compound though :) No I don’t wonder about where all the things I use that have massive production chains come from, why do you ask?
I’ve been aware since the mid 90s i would likely get to witness the fall of the human race. What an exciting time to live in. Terrible, but exciting.
The problem is there are too few decision-makers who listen to scientists, or electoral pressure prevents them from taking more radical measures, or they are influenced by lobbyists, or…
“Electoral pressure” just means regular people don’t actually care that much, no? That seems like a big part of the problem to me.
Yes, but shareholders are profiting so who the fuck cares.
The line must go up, nothing else matters.
But what about the economy?!?
Go to work no matter what. Heatwave is not an excuse.
I don’t care if remote work decreases emissions. We paid for an office!
I don’t care if AI uses a crazy amount of energy, we need the line to go up!
If scientists are so smart, why aren’t they running things? Checkmate nerds! /$
Plato said they should, but nobody listened to him because he was a big nerd.
Most scientists make terrible leaders and communicators though. It would be sufficient if politicians followed science reports made by the scientists. But instead they follow the money and whatever gets them reelected.
why not just car bomb oil co’s?