Dragon "Rider"(drag)

Xi rides dragons and also “rides” dragons. xi/drag person-independent pronouns. That means xi’s pronouns are the same in first, second, and third person.

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Joined 7 days ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2024

  • There’s no such thing as absolute speed in the universe. But there is relative speed. That’s how fast something is going, from something else’s point of view. The speedometer on your car measures your speed relative to the road. But another car on the road next to you would say your speed is 0, because from their point of view you aren’t moving. That is to say, you’re going the same speed.

    We used to think relative speeds just added or subtracted together normally. The same rules you learned in math class. But Einstein figured out that isn’t true. See, Einstein and many others knew that the relative speed of light is always the same. No matter how fast you’re going, light is faster. And always by the same amount. You can never get closer to the speed of light. It didn’t make sense to anyone until Einstein figured it out.

    Einstein realised that the faster you’re going, the slower time passes. So even if you’re going at a million miles an hour, you just slow down, and now from your fast/slow point of view, light is still beating your speed by the same amount. You don’t experience time as slower, but anyone looking at you would see you moving in slow motion.

    That’s how drag’s high school physics teacher explained it to drag. Drag oversimplified a bit, but all the important bits are there, and anyone could figure out the rest if they spent the time thinking about it. Anyone who thinks relativity is hard to explain doesn’t understand it. That’s what Einstein was saying.

  • The first two are adequately explained by parties wanting to win elections. The question of who wins the election isn’t relevant to drag’s point, drag’s point is the power held by the winning party. Not increased by high voter turnout.

    The third point is backwards. You said parties want less people to vote, because more votes make them more powerful. That’s silly.

    The fourth point is adequately explained by the Black Panthers doing direct action. Drag doesn’t think the CIA cared how the Panthers voted.

    The fifth point is irrelevant, because voting doesn’t give the CIA power, just as drag says. You can’t argue that voting gives government power because it gives government power. That’s silly.

    Drag wants you to take this discussion seriously, please. Drag is really putting an effort in and drag would like it if you did as well.

  • Dragon "Rider"(drag)@lemmy.nzto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneYikes rule
    21 hours ago

    Yes, it’s Italian for little boy. Italians started calling men little boys to insult their intelligence. Immigrants brought the slang to America. And Americans are so misogynist, they started using the word to call women stupid, and did it so often they forgot that the word could even apply to men and had to invent a special male version, himbo.

  • Drag finished watching the video pretty much. 3 minutes left and it seemed like she was winding down. Drag was already familiar with all the main content Jones covered. Drag thinks she’s probably underestimating the knowledge of linguistics literacy on the left because she’s from a more right leaning culture, where the “left wing” people local to that area are who would be considered moderates in other places. She used a right wing name for the left wing, so drag thinks she hasn’t actually immersed herself in left wing political culture enough to understand it.

    With regard to the argument that using new pronouns is hard, drag understands and already knew her arguments. But drag thinks Jones neglected to consider the impact of neuroplasticity. Adapting to neopronouns is a skill. People with lots of practice get it faster and with less effort. Drag’s presence on Lemmy is challenging people and causing them to learn. Expanding minds. Just like the linguist with the N word pronouns. Drag picked new pronouns for this account as an experiment. Drag likes the new pronouns. Drag made revisions when an idea didn’t work, and now drag sometimes uses drag/dragself pronouns in conversation with drag’s friends and family off of Lemmy. They make drag feel dragony.

    Drag’s identity is a conversation.

    EDIT: Also, drag just remembered Jones’ point about misgendering trans people in conversation with people who know less. Well, drag has been in that situation. Drag was out to everyone and presenting full time, and even though drag’s mother struggled with drag’s pronouns, drag felt like she was finally getting it and understanding. She hadn’t misgendered drag in nearly a year. Well, then drag overheard drag’s mother in the next room he/him-ing drag to drag’s elderly grandfather. And drag felt like shit. Drag’s grandfather is in his 90s and he’s an asshole. He’s never going to accept drag. And drag had accepted that, and decided to just ignore him until he died. But when drag’s mother, who had been making all that progress, he/him-ed drag to the grandfather, drag suddenly realised that drag didn’t know if she had been misgendering drag behind drag’s back all the time. Drag realised that drag would never be able to trust that she was actually making an effort to respect drag, or if she was just appeasing drag to drag’s face. So drag moved out of home and cut contact with her. And drag is going to ignore her until she dies too. That’s not the only reason for our bad relationship, but it was a point where everything crystallised and drag decided to stop making excuses for her.