Maybe, not cooking it well enough? Try changing your recipes, perhaps? Maybe more variety in spices?
Gram, pulses and dried beans (rehydrated before eating) with rice, tend to make my favourite recipes
and even though I use milk products, I feel pretty good even if it is lemonade with black-salt instead.
You probably need a fattier diet for your nutrition needs, since the diet listed is a carbs-and-protein diet. Try having way more nut butters / olive oil / other healthy fats
Maybe, not cooking it well enough? Try changing your recipes, perhaps? Maybe more variety in spices?
Gram, pulses and dried beans (rehydrated before eating) with rice, tend to make my favourite recipes
and even though I use milk products, I feel pretty good even if it is lemonade with black-salt instead.
Oh, it tastes fine, I’m saying like…energy-wise and sugar-crash-wise I feel bad. Just wondering if I’m missing something.
You probably need a fattier diet for your nutrition needs, since the diet listed is a carbs-and-protein diet. Try having way more nut butters / olive oil / other healthy fats
I’ve started eating a fruit (usually apple) after breakfast, and sometimes as an afternoon snack, and that keeps my energy up, personally.
If this is a new regimen for you it might just be an adjustment period. But I’m not a nutritionist. Just some random bean fan.
I meant the same thing.
And I seldom put sugar in my lemonade.
The rice seems to do the job