I saw there was a thread from a few days ago to kind of dump on the game, so I should just preemptively clarify what kind of discussion I’m NOT looking for:

• Discussion about what you think is a reasonable cost to develop the two titles

• Discussion in the way of “I played 8 years ago but quit because…”

• scam talk, belligerence, sarcasm etc.

I realize the game is an emotional lightning rod for some, but I’d ask you refrain from that in this particular instance. Please, thank you.


I’m more interested in discussion from people who play and appreciate the game currently, and some of the good experiences you’ve had, things you’re excited for etc.


For myself, I’ve played SC for years through the good and bad, and I’ve been most excited about the persistence and salvage stuff finally coming online (despite the painful rollout of 3.18). 3.19.1 seems much more stable despite the early hiccups and I’ve finally had a chance to test some of the things I was curious about.

One of the things I’ve been trying to do is get back on the same shard consistently and really test how well the world persistence holds up. A really cool experience I had was stumbling across a bunch of long abandoned player ships scattered around one of the outposts. One was tipped over with its door open so I climbed inside and poked around for loot.

The really cool part is I connected to that same shard literally days later (after even a 30k server crash), went back to that spot and the ship was still there where I’d flipped it back over, in the same condition. I needed a new gun for my own ship so I used the tractor beam to detach it from one of the turrets and upgrade my own.

I’ve been creating random little stashes and dropping items in remote places and then visiting again later and it’s all just still exactly where it was. The interesting part is per-shard the world persistence layer seems much more reliable than the actual player inventories right now, lol. I’ve found random flares that I dropped in the middle of the desert.

I think once we get the ability to queue for our previous session shard people are going to really start to understand why PES is so huge.

  • Opteryx@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I was an original backer and I’ve dabbled on occasion but I’m waiting for more of a tutorial and better technical stability.

  • PenguinTD@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    So in this sense, no I did not actually played star citizen, but as initial backer I wonder if I should even try it? Since you played for years, could you mind sharing the following things? (so I can see to get some entertainment out of my backing dollars. )

    • how much real world currency affects the gameplay? From early backing new release your ship can break needs maintenance and insurance, how’s the currently implemented in game?
    • what’s the game structured like? is it more quest driven with some story? Or really open ended MMO community driven(more EVE like)? If it’s something else please give a description.
    • what’s the fun part when playing the game?
    • how resource intensive the game is, computer spec and storage?
    • is it always online or you can play offline? Does it have subscription based stuff?
    • Banzai51@midwest.social
      1 year ago

      Real World Money: Not much. It will dictate what ship & game package you start with. You can buy ships, some gear, and paints for your ship. Now other ships and gear you can get in game with in-game currency or looting. You can ebay in-game credits, but that doesn’t affect the game too much because they wipe periodically.

      Game Structure: There is no real progression beyond acquiring additional ships and gear. It has missions, but they are mostly pretty rudimentary game loops. Box delivery missions, bounty missions, assassination missions, salvage missions, missions to clear underground bunkers, illegal drug delivery missions, etc. With some mission types, you build up rep which gives you access to higher paying missions. The missions are built around earning credits to afford ships in-game. You can also do game loops that don’t have missions like cargo hauling or mining. It is sandbox, and EVE-like, but no where near the depth of play EVE has.

      The Fun: Flying the ships. The ability to switch up gears and go in another direction, like any other sandbox. Grouping up with friends to tackle things at scale.

      Computer specs: Anything remotely current is going to run the game decent as can be. It is highly unoptimized. They haven’t done the performance polishes other games do because of so much stuff on their backlog. But I’m running a 5800xed cpu and a 6750xt gpu, and can run the game ~80fps on average. Your performance experience is going to be dictated by the game’s back end servers. Sometimes they forget to feed the hamsters.

      This game is always online. You can play the Persistent Universe (PU), which is the Sandbox MMO portion of the game. The single player game is still in development, and they keep that one close to the vest.

  • Dee@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I dropped $90 wayyyyy back in the day and still have my login. I install it again every once in a while to see how things are progressing. Can’t believe how slow the gameplay progress is but I will say the work they’ve done on the engine is really cool. But like… That’s not why I backed the game. I’m not mad about the game, I’ve had my fun testing it out over the years and I like the idea of what it could be, I just don’t expect it to be finished anymore.

      • Dee@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        Yeah I’m not saying it’ll never happen, I’m just not hyped for it getting finished like I was in the past.

        I got my founders towel in my hanger and a sweet leather interior general purpose spaceship, I’ll be ready whenever it does decide to launch.

  • kiithwarrior@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    The only reason I don’t play currently is due to my PCs CPU being about 9 years old. About to do a rebuild in the next few months.

    I enjoyed it when I did play, for me it was more about discovery. I had a few PvP battles which were fun, not that iwas any good. Flying around in a group was great, especially when they implemented linked quantum jumps

    • Ananace@lemmy.ananace.dev
      1 year ago

      Honestly, the game does work on a Steam Deck, though with some caveats due to the low amount of RAM - ILW was low single-digit FPS due to it.

      I wouldn’t consider it a good experience, but more than performant enough to join up with friends to be a turret gunner or gunboat pilot.

      • lackthought@lemmy.sdf.org
        1 year ago

        hey, so racing was probably my favorite thing to do back when I originally bought the game (late 2015)

        what is available in the racing gameplay now? is it still checkpoint based with leaderboards or can you actually race against other people at the same time?

      • terrrmus@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        This thread scratched the itch to reinstall it. I see it’s 3.19 now. Has the dumpster fire been put out?

        Nvm, I’m dumb and missed where you wrote that it looks like the bugs have smoothed out. I’ll give it a shot!

  • Rudith@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Having a great time with myself and a few friends that I’ve drafted. We launched a Mirai Fury from the cargo bay of a Constellation Taurus and it was a blast.

    Also found this new community in these post reddit days:


  • Cstrrider1@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I have it installed and very infrequently play, more to check in on progress. It is most definitely a really cool engine and there is a fair bit to explore, but it takes a looong time to load up and get to the point when you are in space since on start up you have to commute from an apartment to the space port. Basically every time I start it up I spend an hour or 2 playing and just explore a different but similar spaceport or space station…

  • rememberence@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I’ve played and am a Concierge level supporter. And one who’s waiting for the nascent /m/agazine to kickstart itself to life (among a few others filled with tumbleweeds and sadness :( )

    I love the game. I find it highly immersive. And oddly calming - I’m a trader and running the shipping routes with the sound of quantum quietly thrumming in my ears is soothing in a way that listening to the ocean is. That being said I’m not playing atm but that’s mostly because trading has been bad for a while and I’m waiting for improvements. I’m waiting for the Railen (I feel like that’s going to be my primary ship once it launches) and I’m waiting for Pyro - because I feel like with a new system we’ll have more trading outposts and that should hopefully help balance out things.

    Also what I’m very keen to see is the introduction of NPCs on ships. I’ve been toying with the thought for a while but it will drastically change the balance of the verse once any and all ships can hire on NPCs to man previously abandoned Turrets.

    What will be really interesting, at least to me, will be the Connie. Dangerous enough on her own, if you can hire three NPCs (one per turret and one for the snub) she’ll be an incredible pocket-carrier/force multiplier in a “relatively” small package.

    lol, so yeah. That’s what I’m interested in. But I really want to get my hands on the Railen. The interior picture of it is literally my work laptop background.

    • BaroqueInMind@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Thanks for the detailed reply. What specs are your computer? Have you tried the face/eye tracking tech that is currently available for the game?

      • rememberence@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        8700k/3080tI/64gigs of RAM. lol, I need to upgrade my processor but she’s solid enough to handle the game even with my G9.

        I’ve /thought/ about the eye tracking stuff but haven’t looked into it yet. Given that I consider the G9 basically on the edge of VR (my monitor wraps around my head vs wrapping around my eyes) that may be something to look into. Also I’ve thought about getting at throttle. I use an ergo setup? Logi MX ergo - which I oddly really love for spaceship control vs a “normal” mouse, but I’ve really been on the edge of getting a throttle just for that last little bit of control. Especially if you’re making Cargo drops over and over again and landing on moons all the time.

        But yeah…I haven’t quite pulled the trigger on the eye stuff but that’s mostly because I’m currently not in SC atm (waiting for a couple things to come online for my gameplay loop and have other “toys” to buy on the backend [-.- and a CC to get down after the toys I buy -,-])

        The big thing, if you’re trying to get into SC though, is the RAM. You /need/ at least 32. 16 is technically playable but upping to 32 (SC runs on my laptop too which has 32RAM) makes a huge difference. That and having it installed on an SSD.

        • BaroqueInMind@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          I played Star Citizen on my shitty gaming laptop I bought from a seedy bazaar while deployed overseas back in 2016: 6Gb RAM, 2.8Ghz quad core, nvidia 1060m, and the game on all low settings played at 12-25 fps in Orison station. I wish I could afford a setup like yours one day.

  • Zummy@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    It’s a lot like Diablo is for me. There’s a ton of fun to be had, but the gameplay is rather repetitive and limited, so it’s best to pick up for a bit, drop it, and come back later. With Diablo, I play for a few weeks every season or so, with Star citizen, I play for a few weeks every few patch cycles.

    I don’t think that’s such a bad thing anymore though. I think it’s weird how people have started to accept Games as a Live Service sort of deal to mean “We play this and only this!” “There has to be hundreds of hours of content or I’m wasting my money!”. That sort of thing used to just be confined to MMOs, but I see it cropping up all the time with all sorts of other games. (again like Diablo lol)

    I’m happy that I can still get enjoyment out of it occasionally, time-to-time. There’s plenty of other games to sink my teeth into, and it’s fun to rotate to keep the options fresh!

    But on Star Citizen itself, the last few times I’ve played it has been relatively consistent, and the persistent stuff is great when it works as intended! It definitely adds a lot to the universe. I’m interested to see some new systems and planets and reasons to explore, places to set up outposts, and I’d probably stick around for much longer at that point. It’s got enough bones there now to really facilitate a lot of great gameplay, it’s just gotta flesh it out now.

  • Tankaus@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I play it quite often and have a great time when I can get a few mates to join. It’s a beautiful game and one of those “it is what you make it” type of games.

  • socsa@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Played it back when Arena Commander (?) was first launched and was top ten on the leaderboard for a couple of months. Stuck with it on and off for a couple of years. I have like $250 into it maybe - my ships are a freelancer MIS and like two other basic ships.

    I got tired of it when they stopped actually pushing wide releases and just decided to pick some random influencers or whatever as a much smaller testing community. Testing releases actually kept me engaged with it, and I made lots of bug reports and was on the forums a lot as well. I just lost interest when that all went away (and was kind of pissed I didn’t get asked to participate tbh).

    HOTAS meta was also fucking obnoxious. I thought the mouse aim mechanics were crazy fun combined with 6DOF flight, and it was actually something I was pretty good at, and it just got way less fun when they nerfed all that so neck beards with sim setups wouldn’t feel left out.

    Maybe I’ll revisit it again at some point. Maybe not.

  • Griseowulfin@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I play it occasionally. I generally have runs of good times and then runs of bad times, 30ks, random explosions/deaths. I would say I have gotten enough fun out of the starter pack that it is worth it. I probably wouldn’t pledge if I could go back in time, but I do enjoy the Vulture, so I hope they go back and make salvage profitable again, so you can make good money on something besides just bounty hunting, since most other stuff isn’t that profitable on a aUEC/time ratio. Things have been wonky for the past bit after Invictus, so I’m waiting for the next update to roll up to the live PU.

  • Slartibartfast@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I come back and mess around with it once a year or so. I’m an Original Backer so it’s become kind of an annual tradition at this point. Also I have one of those red AMD ships which I think are kind of rare or something?

  • coldredlight@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I paid $15 or something like that in the first wave of the Kickstarter. The most recent time I tried to play was within the past few years, maybe last year. I remember I found it frustrating because I had no idea what to do so I ran around trying to find my ship, I think I rode on a subway kind of thing to a big empty spaceport. I never actually made it into space before I gave up and uninstalled it again because it was so boring and frustrating.

  • iso@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    1 year ago

    Had a blast in the past, until my GPU couldn’t handle the graphics anymore when I pushed myself to the competitive limits, and shortly thereafter they nerfed the Ares Ion (my absolute favorite ship) and my 10 year old Thrustmast TM16ks started to fall apart as well.

    I’m heavily looking forward to getting back into it again once I can up my hardware :3

  • dan96kid@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I’ve played it fairly recent. (A few weeks ago)
    It definitely has promise in my opinion. I have yet to get any new ships though because my money-making skills are trash.