Hi Lemmy. I’m wondering if eating healthy or at least getting enough nutrients, would change a person’s outlook on certain things. Like I’m trying out keto and certain foods like avocadoes calm my mind down. I guess I’m asking if someone followed a keto diet or vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, would that shape their political ideology? I’m probably being stupid, but it’s just a thought I had. Discuss away!

    • slice1@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      If you “feel it” it has unlikely been proven by science… Prolonged low bloodsugar also raises cortisol levels which can have adverse effects. I would not dare to suggest to anyone what and how to eat since the science remains inconclusive and correlative (i.e. not causal/mechanistic). Also it is not clear that either conventional/organic farming leads to more nutrient rich produce. This is borderline misinformation…

  • Jeffrey@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Malnourishment and dehydration can dramatically affect your mental state, and foods high in sodium, sugar, fat, and dense protein can cause intense inflammation and feelings of sluggishness.

    Eating minimally processed whole foods, staying well hydrated, and exercising regularly rapidly improves every aspect of our lives, including tolerance for adversity.

    I wouldn’t go so far as to say eating healthy will sway someone’s politics left or right, but feeling healthy and energized will make anyone more confident, open minded, and more agreeable. When I feel well I am in a much better head space for listening to others and having productive conversations. However, when I’ve gluttonously devoured an entire pizza I feel bloated, tired, stiff, uncomfortable, etc. I’m a much more pleasant / tolerant person when I’ve been eating well and exercising!