Mine are vehicle building games like Stormworks or Scrap Mechanic. It’s so much fun to shoot at your friends with your latest nuclear drone while hiding in your bunker with a better defence system than Area 51 !

I’m very curious about your fav niche game genre !

(I’m sorry for my bad English ^^')

  • elder_lurker@lemmy.world
    1 year ago


    Duelyst was a very popular online card game that shutdown around 3 years ago. The developers have recently released it into the public domain (via CC0 license).

    You can completely selfhost a private instance (repo has a good straight forward guide)

    There is a public instance available to try https://duelyst.org/. Though it might be pretty barren.

    There is also a closed fork which should have a more active userbase https://duelyst2.com/, the game rules are a little different (draw 2 vs draw1), but should have more users to get a feeling for the game.

    The game in a nutshell is basically Hearthstone on a chessboard. It’s very fun and approachable and in my opinion one of the best cardgames right next to MagicTCG :). Hopefully the community for it will grow more and we can have a sort of second renaissance for it :)