I think it’s stupid and worrying that their ideas are gaining traction.

I am not opposed to people not having children or representing themselves as a block, but the idea that having kids is bad is just plain dumb.

My own experience in life makes it reek a lot like mental health issues in those who are antinatalists.

    1 year ago

    It may strike you as unusual, but I maintain beliefs in both reincarnation and anti-natalism. While it might seem contradictory at the outset, I prefer to see it as a distaste for reincarnation, while still acknowledging it as the most probable outcome, irrespective of the absence of past life memories. Anti-natalism generally revolves around a moral philosophy that questions the ethics of bringing a new life into a world marked by considerable suffering and difficulties, regardless of how unfair these challenges may seem to the child.

    Adherents of anti-natalism contend that it’s ethically problematic to bring a child into the world without the ability to ensure a life chiefly or entirely filled with happiness. Consequently, some choose a lifestyle of abstention. It’s important to understand that these individuals are not necessarily foolish, as they often show astute and pragmatic consideration for the potential conditions a child might encounter if brought into this world. Considering our current economic, political, and environmental climate, it’s not unreasonable to suggest population contraction as a potential remedy for resource constraints. One could argue that anti-natalism is a rather selfless philosophy - while its followers personally choose not to procreate, they refrain from imposing this ideology on others, leaving them free to make their own choices.

    As with all aspects of life, people make decisions and draw conclusions based on their unique circumstances and experiences. It’s essential to appreciate that these choices may differ from our own. I offer my viewpoint in the hope that it provides a perspective you might not have previously considered.