i wouldn’t say i’m overweight, and i know that the BMI index is not necessarily reliable, but i do feel like over the years i’ve kinda lost the figure i used to have. i mostly stay at home and code now, whereas a couple years back i used to play a competitive sport on a daily basis.

how do you guys lose weight, or stay fit, as adults? i’ve tried the gym, i just don’t really like it there. i feel insecure, and i don’t really utilize many of the machines they have there since i don’t want to bulk or gain muscle. for christmas, i got a yoga mat and some dumbells. do lemmers have resources for creating a low-maintenance workout plan?

there’s also the whole diet thing. how do you count calories, eat well balanced meals, etc? i already struggle with meal prepping, and feel like having to account for calorie intake would make this even harder. or would that make it easier since i would get good at making the same things? idk, it’s stressful but i’m hoping to take better care of myself in 2022.

  • lfod14@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Track what you eat and drop the carbs down. BMI is completely useless, my bodyfat is around 10% and my BMI says I’m Obese.

    I’d get over the gym shyness, gyms are great, everybody regardless of level they’re at is all working to better themselves, with many different goals. Don’t get brainwashed by Planet Fitness commercials. If your dumbbells are a full set, you can do a lot, but motivation is very difficult to have and sustain long term working out at home. Gaining muscle should also be a goal, muscle drives your metabolic rate, the less muscle mass the lower your TDEE, meaning easier to gain weight as well as just not being as metabolically healthy. Having a good amount of muscle and bulking are worlds apart.

    Grab the Cronometer app or use the website and tracking is about as easy as it gets, doing it blind is impossible. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

    Good Luck!