Today I spoke to a coworker who had bad experiences with doctors and was seeking recommendations for a new one, then other coworkers chimed in, and so I decided to ask you guys as well. Well, not for a doctor recommendation, but about your bad experienced with doctors?
I’m gonna spoiler mine, because it makes me very uncomfortable, so perhaps it may make someone else very uncomfortable.
I had a doctor who had no business in it make me show my intimate parts (I’m intersex) and she touched them. She was curious, I guess…? She’s a psychiatrist, so, again, literally 0 business doing so. I already have trauma from regular people who treat me like a circus display, I really had no need for someone with systemic power over me using it like that…
No, I didn’t report this. I was a teenager and barely functioning at the time. :/
Doctors can be so incredibly hit or miss and the worst part is there is no good way to check the reputation of a doc beforehand.
There are sites like, depending on your area.
But like most internet reviews, people tend to only post negative experiences or astroturfing.