Look at that shit! Before it was here are your two browsers choose! Now it’s…how about for the letter A? Suppose a website starts with an A, would you choose Edge to be your default browser?.. then you choose chrome or Firefox, and when you click on a link Edge Pops up with some shit like…Are you really sure you wanna use Firefox to view websites that start with the letter A?
Fuck Microsoft! Give us a fucking break you assholes! You are this turd of a company that is just stuck to company’s assholes and that’s the only reason any fly will ever touch your software.
Did you guys know you can run Edge on Linux natively? I installed it for shits and giggles once before throwing up and apt purging that shit as fast as I could.
Oh, you can run VS Code as well, but I think that IDE is actually kinda useful. At least for the embedded PlatformIO shit I do. If there’s another IDE with that sort of integration as well as Github, then I’m willing to try it.
For a breif moment, you were the entire user base on Linux.