• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • I guarantee, most new users coming to Linux from Windows/macOS are going to laugh and look at you funny if you try to justify entering your password again and again and again.

    That’s nice, but this ain’t MacOS or Windows. This is Linux.

    Sorry but 20 years of “but this isn’t exactly like Winders11!!!one!” starts to grate on me. It’s a different OS with a different philosophy and a different workflow. Everbody coming from Windows had to learn to deal with the nuances of that OS as well, nuances they’ve completely forgotten about because it’s second nature.

    I don’t WANT Linux to be exactly like MacOS and Windows. I want it to stand on its own, with its own ideas on how to run a computer.

  • You don’t need to “capture” asteroids. You mine them in place and build heavy industry and everything you need in-situ. It’s a hell of a lot easier to launch a new vessel off an asteroid than Earth. For some reason, people always think we’ll be bringing these resources back to the surface of the Earth. That’s wasteful, why do we want to throw them back into a gravity well?

    We don’t even need fancy fusion tech or anything for this to work, regular fission reactors can power things just fine. And the bonus is, you don’t have to worry about where you put the waste. Just designate another asteroid in a clear orbit where it’s most likely to not hit anything else for the next ten thousand years as a dumping ground, and mark it on the maps.

  • Do you care that you may soon be having discussions/arguments with chatbots more often than not on popular platforms like Reddit, X, YouTube, etc?

    I wouldn’t mind it as much if these chatbots weren’t being used for nefarious purposes, like mass data collection, tracking, influencing, and privacy violations. Other than that, if it walks like a human, talks like a human, and we are convinced it’s a human, is there anything wrong with that? It might as well be human. This is going to become more and more of a big question as we get closer to AGI. An AGI isn’t going to suddenly “wake up” and become self aware one day. All these systems are slowly inching towards it. There’s not going to be a clean line between “just a program mimicking a human” and “a fully self-aware entity”. It’s up to us to determine that, and there’s no hard rules to determine that, because it falls into the “problem of other minds” philosophical concept.