Wikipedia is trustworth as any other enciclopedy, it has a community of editors who filter the content and check its veracity. There are always those who publish falsehoods, but this is quickly removed, sometimes in a matter of minutes.
I dont think you read the linked page. There was a completely made up article on Wikipedia for more than 10 years. Any real encyclopedia with professional editors would have caught such nonsense long before publishing.
Wikipedia has more articles as any other enciclopedia, apart of articles which are updated nearly in real time. Even if there is an article about an toaster which is an hoax and which has 0 intrests, among several millons of excelent articles, ut don’t rest any trustworth of the Wiki.
Wikipedia is trustworth as any other enciclopedy, it has a community of editors who filter the content and check its veracity. There are always those who publish falsehoods, but this is quickly removed, sometimes in a matter of minutes.
I dont think you read the linked page. There was a completely made up article on Wikipedia for more than 10 years. Any real encyclopedia with professional editors would have caught such nonsense long before publishing.
Wikipedia has more articles as any other enciclopedia, apart of articles which are updated nearly in real time. Even if there is an article about an toaster which is an hoax and which has 0 intrests, among several millons of excelent articles, ut don’t rest any trustworth of the Wiki.