I am looking for a RSS reader to start using. The big names seem to all have subscription services and that is just too much for me.

Are you using an RSS reader (or alternative) and if so, which one can’t you live without?

  • onlooker@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    I have a self-hosted Nextcloud instance with the News plugin. That fetches the news, but I actually read it on my phone or PC. Whenever I read a feed on one device, it automatically syncs up and marks it as read on other devices. As far as actual clients are concerned, you can see the list of apps that can connect to Nextcloud News here. I would hesitate to say I couldn’t live without it, but the app I use is News (yes, just it’s just News on F-Droid). I’ve used it for years and it’s great!

    This is a setup specific to my situation, however. If you’re looking for something simple, have a look at Liferea, QuiteRSS or Akregator for PC. As for Android: there’s a bunch and I’ve honestly only used just the one I mentioned, but I hear Feeder is good!

    • kujaw@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      Yes, what I would love to have is synchronization, so that I can have same feed on all my devices (Android and Linux). I use Liferea on my desktop so far, but it lacks synchronization service. I wouldn’t like to selfhost just to get better RSS experience, but if there’s no other opportunity I will have to, and it will probably by Nextcloud for its News.