Does anyone know any good games where you kill fascist CIA and US army scum? Ideally as a Marxist-Leninist freedom fighter or as a soldier of a socialist country. Otherwise, games where you fight US puppets like Israel as say a Palestinian freedom fighter are also more than welcome.

    • Aria 🏳️‍⚧️🇧🇩
      1 year ago


      guy doesn't support LGBT as a muslim, insinuating that being muslim must mean you have to be anti-LGBT; also has called LGBT a "lifestyle"

      he doesn't want democracy (hopefully by that he means western bougie democracy, ugh); wants sharia and an islamic caliphate

      thinks "islamic" monarchies are better than western style democracy (even though both are bad)

      lmfao, reminds me of people going “capitalism may be ruining and destroying our lives but it’s still a good, working ideology”

      more anti-lgbt nonsense, about how gay things are admonished by ALL religions in the world and is somehow against muh human natoor (living in concrete, eating modern food, playing video games+making them is also against human natoor, you dipshit), using reich-wing language like "pro-LGBT propaganda", implying LGBT is le western culture

      though tbf even i felt the pro-lgbt message in qatar felt a bit forced

      this guy is anything but a comrade imo, especially with him expressing his wishes for a religious caliphate with religious laws.

      here’s his comments section, for what it’s worth (cw: reactionary bile, it is a steam comment’s section after all)

      i wonder what all the pro-lgbt/lgbt-neutral muslims here have to say about this

      EDIT: fixed an image

        1 year ago

        I’ll never understand the anti-gay argument that it’s against human nature. You can’t say other animals aren’t gay, Sea Lions and Giraffes and Bonobos have plenty of gay sex, Rams too, why is the line drawn at humans? Like it goes beyond HUMAN nature, it’s literally just nature

          1 year ago

          Might be because the reactionary version of human nature is the official kind of human nature of the west during early to mid capitalism, which is then universalised. Not only are they not considering your point, they’re also ignoring that fact that for most of human history, it’s been ‘human nature’ to be quite gay. Or at least to be very close roommates.

        • Sea Lions and Giraffes and Bonobos have plenty of gay sex, Rams too, why is the line drawn at humans?

          probably because we’re supposed to be “better, intelligent and more civilized than animals”, whatever that means 🙄🙄🙄

          1 year ago

          Even in a vacuum, “human nature” arguments for individuals make very little sense against things humans already do or want to do. Here we have humans which are pretty natural doing that very same thing, so in order for them to not obey “human nature” they’d need to have been influenced by space aliens or something.

          Obviously Nazis effectively already believe that, but it’s odd how “well meaning” libs often fall into that same trap.

        • Aria 🏳️‍⚧️🇧🇩
          1 year ago

          it’s still dumb to conflate social progressivism (queer rights and womens rights) with usanian imperialism

          queer people like me in the global south, particularly in muslim-majority countries are forced to flee their own homeland because of this, because they’d rather see our heads on a pike than leave us alone and live. even without the conflation with usanian imperialism, some of them try to use religion to try justify this and demonize us.