• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • By ‘neighbor’, I presume you’re referring to UC Berkeley (hereon referred to as Cal).

    No radical ML organizations will officially form clubs at any university, even radical ones like Cal. Some orgs may meet on-campus, but it will be off-the-book. Any real work will be done in the wider community (e.g. Oakland) and not on-campus.

    This is due to university administrations’ historic hostilities toward student movements. For instance, the Free Speech Movement at Cal certainly was not organized through official school channels. In fact, university admin had banned all political activities and fundraising until students forced them to concede by chaining their doorknobs, locking them inside the admin buildings (which is why today all the doors on campus have only 1 doorknob to prevent chaining again).

    I would also warn that most UCs today in California have almost no radical energy anymore. After Ronald Reagan was elected governor of California in 1966, he brought in the National Guard to beat up students, shut down UC and Cal State campuses, and steadily cut public funding toward said schools to prevent the formation of a dangerous “educated proletariat” (his words, see here). California state schools were previously almost free, so this drop in funding forced them to charge more and more tuition, pricing out poorer students. This has caused a steady gentrification in students at the UCs. Today, most Cal students have affluent backgrounds (median family income = $119,900), compared to the 1960s when most were low-income (NYTimes). I think all the UCs have this problem (median income +$100k) except for UC San Diego, Riverside, and Merced (median income 60-80k)

    Any radicalism left in Cal today is due to the leftism of the city of Berkeley, not the UC.

  • This is kinda wrong. Nuclear energy is extremely hard to ramp up and down. Instead, it provides very stable base load power, reducing the amount of ramping energy sources required.

    On the other hand, solar and wind provide irregular, momentary power, which needs to be stored in batteries to be able to be used over any other period of time where it is not sunny or windy. These batteries can supply electricity on demand.

    By building nuclear, we can decrease the amount of solar, wind, and batteries we have to build and ramp daily. However, because nuclear cannot adjust to meet the ebs and flows of energy consumption every day, we will still need renewables and batteries to make up the shortfall.

  • This belief came about simply because the religious sects that didn’t promote reproduction died out.

    For instance, Paul the Apostle advocated that celibacy was superior to marriage. Since early Christianity was an apocalyptic branch of Judaism that believed the end of the world would happen within believers’ lifetimes, Paul considered it most important for believers to maintain absolute purity in preparation for judgement.

    When that judgement day didn’t come in time, sects that were celibate would obviously grow slower and be outcompeted by sects that advocated childbirth. This has created the religious landscape today, where new children are the predominant way religions grow.

  • I think this mostly has to do with the extensive use of vegetables cooked in various tasty ways. Western dishes (specifically West European) seem to have very few good techniques to cook vegetables, leading white children to hate veggies. I think this is exacerbated in Britain and their Anglo-Saxon colonies (cue the meme about British food having no seasoning).

    Also, proper Asian dishes tend not to actually use much oil. Stir frying only lightly coats the outside of food with oil, very different from western deep frying.

  • In America, the terms Latino, Latinx, and Hispanic refer to basically anyone from any country in the Americas that is below the United States, geographically and ‘culturally’. It’s essentially a label Americans use to say, " oh you’re from one of THOSE shithole countries".

    The great great grandson of a Spanish conquistador who massacred thousands of indigenous people to claim his own plantation is considered the exact same as the granddaughter of an indigenous person on the receiving end. Both are called Hispanics, making the word an utterly meaningless label.

  • China has plenty of home-grown digital maps that are better than Google Maps when in China (for example Baidu Maps). China has blocked Western companies from being able to use accurate mapping data of the country on grounds of national security and digital protectionism.

    It’s quite nonsensical for Westerners to blame China for simply implementing policies to incubate their own tech industry when they use tariffs to do the exact same thing. If China didn’t pass such laws, Google Maps would have a global monopoly on digital maps.