I made a mistake, and bought a bag of muesli thinking it was cereal clusters. There is nobody else to blame other than my stupidity.
I don’t think I know how to eat this thing. It’s practically rolled oats with bits of fruit and nuts and all bran kind of cereals added in the mix but hardly noticeable.
I tried eating it like cereal, adding it to yoghurt or milk. It tastes like insipid cardboard flakes sprinkled with fruit. I tried cooking porridge with it, that was an improvement but I still find it boring.
Perhaps you have some suggestions on how to actually enjoy eating what’s left of it? Bonus points if you know how to make it crunchy.
Edit: I don’t typically add sugar to things or even buy sugary cereal. My problem with this thing is the texture first and foremost. Thanks for your concern on how much processed foods I don’t buy or like are harming my life.
Not sure what toasted means exactly in this context, but I guess traditionally we have non-toasted Muesli.
But nowadays we have many variations, some that would probably be more to your tasting (with corn flakes and crisp clusters) and some (even) less so.