• @gun@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    So it’s disingenuous to interpret a statement literally when they are clearly not speaking figuratively? Gotcha

    Edit: If it’s my fault for misinterpreting the statement incorrectly, would @dax@dax@beehaw.org chime in and affirm the negative of my misinterpretation? Just say that you think calling George Soros a villain does not in fact sound antisemitic without additional context, thanks. If they can do that, it would put the argument to rest. Otherwise, alayza, you would definitively be the disingenuous one.

    • @dax@beehaw.org
      11 year ago

      I think calling him out specifically, as an individual vs. as a group, is overwhelmingly likely to be coming from a Nazi. Of all the billionaires out there, he seems pretty milquetoast overall, so focusing on him looks so suspicious it’s like an entire firework display of red lights.

      Is it possible you just grabbed at Soros off the top of your head and not, say, Rupert Murdoch or Jeff Bezos, but as Soros is neither the wealthiest nor most outspoken, I can only presume your singling out is anti-semitic. If it just so happened you were so unlucky as to think of him first, then I would apologize - but I also think we both know how unlikely that is so as to be pretty laughable.

      • @gun@lemmy.ml
        11 year ago

        The thing is, I’m not the one singling George Soros out. Leftists love to shit on billionaires in the most extreme displays, saying “eat the rich” and bringing guillotines to protests, etc. Could care less about that; I don’t think people who rig our economy and society deserve to feel safe. But these same people seem to take exception when anyone mentions Soros.

        I won’t claim to understand people’s motives, but a lot of leftist “anti-capitalist” organizations are funded by George Soros. So that may be part of the reason. I doubt the credentials of anyone who calls themselves anti-capitalist when they start picking and choosing which billionaires are okay to criticize.

        But I can prove that such leftists do not make exception for George Soros out of a concern for anti-semitism. Where is the pearl clutching when people shit on Mark Zuckerburg? What about the Koch brothers? Leftists love to rant about the Koch brothers, is that antisemitic?

        No, I think the truth is that leftists like to defend George Soros because they agree with the nature of the political projects he funds. But it’s ok to make the Koch brothers villains because the nature of their investment in politics is right-wing. Give me a break.