Upgraded Ubuntu to 22.04, where Firefox is Snap by default. Wasn’t going to fight it, especially since Canonical has made 3 blog posts talking about how much faster they made Firefox on Snap.

Since then, I’ve had subtle but annoying issues.

  • Can’t Google things that have a colon after the first word- i.e. error: file not found doesn’t work
  • I get notifications for pending updates
  • Other apps like Gnome’s Software take a minute+ to load on my beefy computer

This isn’t even a meme. Snap is trash. I wanted to be neutral and not join the “hate train” but seriously. Snap is that bad.

  • @Tatar_Nobility@lemmy.ml
    42 years ago

    Question, if I’m looking for a mild learning experience in linux, would mint be too user friendly or not? I have (k)ubuntu in mind for now just because it might be more or less adventurous, are my thoughts correct?

    • @Whom@lemmy.ml
      92 years ago

      They’ll be about as adventurous as each other. Kubuntu and Mint only really differ in the desktop environment installed and a few of Canonical’s bad decisions that Mint undoes every now and again. Beyond that, they’re both just Ubuntu.

      You’ll learn about as much as you would on any mainstream distro.

    • @peeonyou@lemmy.ml
      42 years ago

      Mint is super user-friendly. That doesn’t mean that it’s any less powerful if you’re looking to learn power-user/admin things though.