The stock market won’t crash since money will just be printed to keep it up. Even if the purchasing power of your stock worth goes down, there’s no better place to keep your cash
The stock market won’t crash since money will just be printed to keep it up. Even if the purchasing power of your stock worth goes down, there’s no better place to keep your cash
Quick, sell flood insurance to California and wildfire insurance to Florida
I mean… Do people want Facebook to be the arbitrator of truth?
You might be right, but as someone who used to short, the odds are stacked against you.
First, inflation is always pushing stocks up. Second, it gives TSLA an opportunity to short squeeze. Third, you’re tying up your money that could instead go into an always-increasing market.
People have been trying to short Tesla for half a decade. Eventually someone will make money, but it’s far from worth it
Hoping it goes well for ya. I’ve been in 1,000+ people Signal groups and it’s so laggy.
On Gmail, you can configure emails to not send until 30s after you click Send. It gives you time to “undo” the send
Is this a real issue in your opinion?
I would like to pitch the idea that the obesity epidemic is a symptom of failed city infrastructure. Imagine if riding a bike was a no-friction activity; you walk out your door, you have a bike there and the bike lanes are treated as first-class infra instead of cars. Imagine how much more you would bike in this situation, and how much healthier you and everyone around you would be
Ok but you can’t explain what’s wrong with the comment?
It’s easy to get offended and think it’s wrong, but considering my comment is at +1/-6 yet no one has actually explained what’s wrong reinforces my belief it’s actually sensible. Something that’s obvious nonsense can be debunked with no effort, yet here we are
Can anyone who upvoted this explain what’s actually wrong with Zuck’s comment?
"Masculine energy I think is good, and obviously society has plenty of that, but I think that corporate culture was really trying to get away from it […] It’s like you want feminine energy, you want masculine energy […] I think that that’s all good. But I do think the corporate culture sort of had swung toward being this somewhat more neutered thing,
Impressive, he’s still going
Why fix your life when you can smoke pot instead
They do, tho. It’s community notes. If multiple people agree on a correction, especially if those people usually disagree with eachother, it becomes the note
Agreed. This is why I’m going to vote Democrats and downvote anyone who suggests third party candidates
And obviously they’ll accept the POTUS you misinformation baffoon
Don’t worry, this will appear 4th on the news sites after we discuss transgender issues and how “triggered” Musk is for the 6th time
I think you’re right and I was just memeing, but I’m curious how the battery percentage went up
Weird place to draw the line. I would say an actual military coup is multiple magnitudes more dangerous than a couple dead people. Even if you think a disorganized group of rioters were going to kill some Congressmen, Yoon’s coup actually had plans to use the military to do that.
I’ve seen Chinese and Japanese people spell out the sound with an English keyboard and then select the character that they want from a dropdown like menu.
In Korean (and I think some Chinese/Japanese keyboards) you can “build” the character, from building blocks like this
So if I want to use the “character” for “house”, I first click the symbol ㅈ then I click ㅣ for 지 then ㅂ for 집 and it puts it together.
I can slightly tweak the shape by tapping the base symbol multiple times (i.e if I have ㅜ and tap ㆍ it makes ㅠ), which can be combined with more symbols like ㅇ and ㄱ to make 육 (the number 6)