• 179 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2020

  • I’ve seen Chinese and Japanese people spell out the sound with an English keyboard and then select the character that they want from a dropdown like menu.

    In Korean (and I think some Chinese/Japanese keyboards) you can “build” the character, from building blocks like this

    My keyboard

    So if I want to use the “character” for “house”, I first click the symbol ㅈ then I click ㅣ for 지 then ㅂ for 집 and it puts it together.

    I can slightly tweak the shape by tapping the base symbol multiple times (i.e if I have ㅜ and tap ㆍ it makes ㅠ), which can be combined with more symbols like ㅇ and ㄱ to make 육 (the number 6)

  • Ok but you can’t explain what’s wrong with the comment?

    It’s easy to get offended and think it’s wrong, but considering my comment is at +1/-6 yet no one has actually explained what’s wrong reinforces my belief it’s actually sensible. Something that’s obvious nonsense can be debunked with no effort, yet here we are

  • Can anyone who upvoted this explain what’s actually wrong with Zuck’s comment?

    "Masculine energy I think is good, and obviously society has plenty of that, but I think that corporate culture was really trying to get away from it […] It’s like you want feminine energy, you want masculine energy […] I think that that’s all good. But I do think the corporate culture sort of had swung toward being this somewhat more neutered thing,