Whether we choose to think about it or not, humans in their daily lives directly cause immense suffering to the little creatures. Leaving them half crushed, spraying poison, drowning. Have you ever observed these events closely, and possibly worsening the situation for the insect: tear off a leg, peel a wing?

  • @radnek_36@lemmy.ml
    22 years ago

    I don’t think so. My parents --especially my mom-- were very good about teaching me to respect all life. We were always allowed to kill mosquitoes, though: second most deadly animal on Earth after humans. Still never tried to cause them extra pain.

    • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
      -12 years ago

      I’d seriously and literally genocide mosquitoes if I could. The particular species dangerous to humans, at least (it’s not all of them, Anopheles mostly I think).