I added Lemmy to the list of my self-hosted fediverse services, here’s what I think about it and how I made it more useful in a single-user instance configuration.

  • Lionel C-ROP
    62 years ago

    Yeah agreed that’s a workaround but this issue is common for services relying on the fediverse and more globally for decentralized services.

    I mean you can’t expect to know each and every e-mail address of every domains when you sign up with a mail provider. You would need some kind of agreement between two providers to share user lists.

    I’m not well versed into activitypub but I don’t think such a feature exists. I guess because of privacy concerns amongst other things.

    • TmpodA
      52 years ago

      Yeah for sure. Discoverability ain’t a trivial topic in a decentralized/federated context, but it needs to be tackled.