I’m just glad there’s a broader discussion about it, this is exactly what we need.
I’m just glad there’s a broader discussion about it, this is exactly what we need.
They will quite literally do anything for him. I’m so sorry.
Likewise man, have a good one 🤝
I would say something pot and kettle but I think you’ve probably heard that one too. Look, some people replied with very helpful info. Was I confidently incorrect? Oh yeah. Did I learn something from it? Absolutely, but it wasn’t to not be wrong again.
face tats and all
This doesn’t make you a gang member, please don’t stereotype.
Do you only speak in cryptic sayings you’ve read on the side of mugs?
What does that even mean?
If anyone is considering the same don’t forget to use shreddit first.
Hyper focusing on Blackrock makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist - there are many groups like it, you have to expose the whole not be obsessed with the one or again it just looks crazy. IMO.
Got it, thank you for bringing context. The image of a shit shovel to the face was just too satisfying to ignore.
Ah, I see you’ve developed a humiliation fetish as well
Had me in the first half ngl
Sometimes relationships do be like this though.
Hard drive in the freezer. Broken actuator. Well, I put the entire laptop in. Early 00s probably. Worked for like 3 minutes.
Income inequality in whatever the most palatable form is for the target audience who needs to hear it. That’s it. But I’m clearly not convincing you here - I’m just some rando idiot who sees a problem. I would gladly have an adult in the room give a better answer. In lieu of that, this is the best I’ve got for you. I’d love to have a space to discuss these things, I think actionable items like this are missing from current discourse here. Maybe it’s the format idk
Regardless of the outcome I just hope this doesn’t lead to more tribalism in software again. The FOSS community needs to stay strong on an international level whenever it comes to hardware integration etc.
Shockingly stupid. I keep thinking, well that’s the worst, and they are still able to find yet another exploit with which to speedrun fascism.
Yelling at various department managers and threatening to call Musk might work for the agencies they’ve gutted, but yeah fucking with any fire department during an active wildfire…I don’t care who you are, you’re gonna have a bad time. Possibly shovel related.
Yeah that succinctly describes the jank experience I’ve had with it. First, just thank you for all of this. Second, it’s working today, woo! Very stoked about this, again tysm
I have to ask. Isn’t this just leaving the hard part to the poor and unfortunate? Why not have them stay and help stop this thing instead? Would you rather they come back once the dirty part is over? I’m legitimately curious, I do not understand, thank you