• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlCheckmate Valve
    2 days ago

    Nah, because while it would be very easy to implement something like that, it would require specifically doing it. Programmers have 3 reasons for writing code

    It’s cool. It’s necessary. I was told to do it in exchange for money

    (And the secret fourth reason, it just kinda happened. I was building this related thing and I realized it’d be stupid easy to toss it in…I was in a fugue state and I have no idea what I wrote, but it’s some of my best code ever)

    Devs don’t generally care about this kind of thing, and most of the time neither do the business folk. This kind of unnecessary crackdown only comes up when consultants like McKinney, who I’ve recently learned are the reason everything sucks

  • Jesus made a speech, they passed around the baskets his group had for the meal, and suddenly they more than enough

    Do you think they had grocery stores? That they catered events? That they even had a salary, and carried money instead of food?

    I don’t even know where all these numbers and money focus are coming from, but they weren’t in the text

    Everyone shared their lunch… That was the whole thing. They shared the food they were initially unwilling to share, and when everyone was full (including those who came with nothing) they had baskets of leftovers

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlSome shit happened.
    21 days ago

    Glad to hear it…I also found it helpful to know about the “pregnant pause”. It’s when they just look at you silently, waiting for you to continue. It makes you want to keep talking out of awkwardness

    It helps me to think of that like an invitation, I’ll think if anything else comes to mind and if I’ve got nothing left to say I’ll just wait it out

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlSome shit happened.
    22 days ago

    It’s both. It’s an invitation to bring up anything recent, but you can also treat it like a normal greeting if you’d rather not go there right now.

    It’s also open ended enough that you can say “I’m doing well, I’ve been thinking about my childhood a lot lately” and take the session wherever you want organically. It could also just lead into small talk while you get comfortable

  • It’s institutional food - a restaurant can serve 1500+ people if they’ve prepared for it. For example, take a college cafeteria - the food usually isn’t bad, even though it’s made in massive quantities

    Institutional food only comes into play when the institution takes the lowest bidder. Like most public school districts, prisons, and whenever else the state runs cafeterias directly

    It’s a small but very meaningful distinction

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoComics@lemmy.mlThanks, dad
    1 month ago

    And by implementing such a system, you take from everyone. By tracking it, you cheapen it. You turn creativity towards making worthless kitche, you turn true moments of connection with Grandma into a chore to justify your own existence.

    The solar system and beyond are finite, but not on a human scale. Even if we figured out cheap at-home immortality tomorrow, we’d never scratch the limits

    Humans don’t breed infinitely. Already we’re coming up on that limit - the drive isn’t there anymore. We’re falling below replacement levels, partially because we’ve poisoned ourselves (and planet), but also just through lack of desire. It’s hardwired into mammals, if not all Earth life… We limit ourselves at a certain point

    If you can’t see a future where you can just live without an accounting sheet justifying your existence, look to the past. They used money - not like us though

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoComics@lemmy.mlThanks, dad
    1 month ago

    Money will always be a part of human culture because we need some kind of default monetary value that says you’ve contributed to the betterment of your fellow man in some way.

    I think this is just lacking in imagination. Why does everyone even need to contribute? If we survive along with our technology, we’ll eventually hit full automation for most tasks.

    In a world like that, isn’t it enough to just live and be appreciated by someone? Why go around measuring contributions when only the very best and brightest could meaningfully contribute beyond sharing in the experience?

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonememoriarule
    1 month ago

    Totally true, and also why the practice of publicly glorifying veterans in social gatherings puts me off so hard

    The very shallow showing of respect is part of the recruitment effort. It seems like veterans are respected, but they’re not - they get a moment of applause during events, but it basically starts and ends there

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlOf course
    1 month ago

    If there’s any chance they’ve heard about a concept, I’ll ask if they’ve heard of it and take them at their word (without comment either way).

    And if they’re kinda nodding impatiently, I’ll wrap up the explanation and move on to the deeper level

    At first, people will sometimes be defensive or lie about knowing a topic, but after you establish there’s no judgement either way with you I’ve found people become less hesitant about admitting ignorance and will even want to hear your explanation of something to check their knowledge

    I also do the flip side - I pride myself on admitting when I don’t know something, so that might play in too

  • And Facebook has some of the best open source work of all time, from the react ecosystem to making php feasible, to LLMs. There’s certainly a ton missing and a lot of it is for their own products, but some of it goes far beyond their own needs

    Facebook also did unethical human testing and debatably broke democracy and the social fabric

    Just be even handed. Praise the good, denounce the bad, and keep in mind these are monstrously large companies and the people that did the good probably have little to do with the ones that did the bad

    Google shouldn’t get a pass because they bought Android and only partially used that ownership to control the ecosystem and push their own products

  • Nah, I’m thinking much bigger. I’ve got an AI that can transcribe video, I’m working on one to summarize and put facts into a knowledge graph, I’ve got one that can hold a conversation, and I’ve got a script that scrapes sites and does natural language processing. I just need an agent to tie the pieces together and some control scripts to manage the containerized pieces

    The idea is, my assistant will go out, read up on programming topics and build knowledge graphs with references to the source, and I’ll fix my biggest issue - shittified searches crippling my work speed

    Then, I’ll send it off to find content. It’ll transcribe/summarize videos and rank them, research topics and come back with reports, and trawl my socials to find new things I might find interesting

    I plan to take all that, then let my assistant create video channels to watch and additional content to read if Lemmy is slow. And if my friends and family show interest, I’ll add in hosting and an internal social media and convince them to run additional nodes at home

    I’ve been working on it for a while because I saw this coming, I’ve got most of the key pieces already.

    And that’s the bubble of Internet I’m building - AI curation of my Internet life, it’ll happily work away the hours deshittifying a bubble of Internet