He/Him. Formerly sgibson5150@kbin.social.

  • 11 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024


  • Tangent, but I had a generally positive opinion of John de Lancie based on his work in Trek and Days of Our Lives (I am so old) and various interviews I’d seen over the years until I saw Jenny Nicholson’s video about the last Bronycon. De Lancie had some involvement in a film about the Brony phenomenon and she was in a green room with him a few times. Apparently he was pretty rude and showed contempt for his fans. 🙁

    Disclaimer: Not a Brony myself but Jenny Nicholson can make anything interesting.

  • I set this up today on my work laptop with (internal) RTX3060. According to the status indicators on the Adjust Video Image Settings page in the Nvidia control panel, super resolution is working in Chrome v124.x and v125.x but not at all in Firefox v126.0. My eyes tell me the same thing. I was able to play a 480p YT stream in Chrome and it looked surprisingly good on my external 1440p monitor. In FF it looks like ass. I may set up a secondary profile in FF just to make sure I haven’t changed some config setting over the years that would prevent it from working right in FF. Will update if I find anything interesting.

    Edit: Just tried this again with YouTube in FF v126.0 with a clean profile. It does work, but only when the video is full screen (which makes sense I guess, but the behavior is different from Chrome) and I had to manually set the quality level in the Nvidia control panel. In Chrome the auto setting used level 4 (the highest level), but in FF the auto setting only used level 1.

  • I rewatched recently as well. I feel like the emotional core of the movie is solid and for me it holds up rather well.

    There is some terminology in the dialog that would widely be considered offensive today, but personally I still think it works in the context of the movie. Big surprise, LGBT people are people and they can be as awful to one another as the most bigoted of the straights.

    I’m sure the casting choices might be different as well if the movie were to be remade today, but personally I think the trio (and honestly, Terrance Stamp in particular) delivered Oscar-worthy performances. I’d love to know what three straight cis dudes went through to prep for these roles.

    Edit: If it is helpful at all, my perspective is that of a 50+ year-old cis baby bi/pan who enjoyed this film very much upon first viewing in the early naughties.

    Edit #2: Fixed typo in Edit #1.