that’s true
Hi, I’m sbird! I like to make all sorts of things!
that’s true
still pretty interesting though
I’m looking for ones where the chemical formulae is a valid one for a real compound. Don’t think “princess” is a real chemical compound
sodium bromate?
yep, I’ve added MSRPs of the CPUs as well as the current amazon list pricing (not GPUs though since rn GPU pricing is wild, e.g. 4070 ti super listed for $1000 or something like that)
what if there’s loads of different elements where the colour could he changed such as texts, links, and different ohjects like the nav bar?
and maybe instead of the vague “cheaper” heading it should be something like <100 or <150
yeah I should probably include the MSRPs or maybe a link to something like camelcamelcamel. that’s a good idea, I’ll do that later
also that logical increments site seems very cool, will go check it out!
would that work with the jekyll theme?
I’m not a spam bot, I’m just a dumb dumb for posting the same thing 17 times (won’t do it again hopefully!)
i’ve fixed it! now it’s specifically the V3 SE. also, I’ve also included the “KE” which seems to be a slightly better version with klipper-based firmware
oop, now I can. weird. maybe it’s a network problem, bc right now I’m not home
yep, I’ve changed it!
strange, I can’t
also btw why can’t you edit posts properly on lemmy? when I try to edit the main post, it doesn’t work. strange. maybe the instance is slow to update or something?
yep, I’ve added them. btw, woah the q1 pro is a very good value. how come no one talks about them?
update: based on the feedback, I’ve added Qidi printers high on my list (I never knew the Q1 Pro was such a good value!), reorganised the list a little bit and included Voron as a build-it-yourself option, and also added BoxTurtle and Tradrack as MMU systems. I’ve also added OctoPrint, turns out it’s a seperate thing from OctoEverywhere
not many reviews on them, but i should mention them. that’s a good idea…
oh yeah usb has loads of pins for data. no wonder barrel jacks were never used to transfer data…
oh yeah designing an idiot-proof power plug that can be rotated 360 degrees would be challenging ad well
for me: