millions of Africans live and eat close to our human nature and in balance with their surroundings
millions of Africans live and eat close to our human nature and in balance with their surroundings
I got two of these security razors back in 2017 for less than $50 bucks altogether. Best investment ever. Then, last year I got a Philip razor but I have since just stopped shaving at home. I ask the barber from time to time
you can get tired of whimsical hot babes. Friends and family, though
the unbearable lightness of being
As a young teen, I used to love to entertain the thought that my watching the game on TV would somehow alter the trajectory and the outcome of the score. If my watching the game is irrelevant, what’s the point of paying attention?
It’s narcissistic egocentrism, but hey for parallel universes and Heisenberg pop science
I might get downvoted but it’s not betrayal. Betrayal would be if the pet called the cops on you. That’s why pets can’t talk.
Having the pet go anywhere else might be a let down but it’s not betraying you for wanting to be elsewhere
Eight Kilomoters an hour. I don’t understand miles but they sound better in American
I abandon my Reddit account every month or so and start over
Soviet Socialism was very polluting as well