If you’re snooping here, you gotta calm yoself down.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • If you didn’t know this, you haven’t been paying attention. Right wing voices have gone hard at the young male demographic for years now. They’ve targeted kids in online games and social media, and groomed them for years all with the goal of shaping their world view and by extension, their politics. Lonely young guys looking at people who present themselves as successful, rich, and rolling in women, not giving a fuck about anyone but themselves, telling young boys that they just need to be more sexist and racist and that’ll get them laid and make them feel fulfilled. Telling them that the world is wrong and they’re not. It’s been extremely successful, and all wide out in the open. That’s why voices like Andrew Tate made it into the public zeitgeist.

    Frankly, it’s an absolute failing on all of the left for being completely unable or unwilling to see this or show an alternative world view. Too often, when I hear people talk about young white men’s issues, I get crocodile tears from everyone who can’t separate them from actual right wing provocateurs.

  • I played through final fantasy 16 on PS5, and well… Let’s just say I’m not in any hurry to play through it again.

    Once you’ve figured out how the combat works, there’s really no additional depth to it. The summon fights look spectacular but aren’t all that engaging. Lots of spectical, not a lot of challenge. The game is absolutely gorgeous, but it’s so so shallow in gameplay. The side quests are extremely boring. The main story is ok too. They really tried to be a lot more serious like game of thrones, but still kept it like right below that mature line, so it felt like a half measure to me.

    There is absolutely no depth to the weapons or equipment outside of ‘number go up’. There aren’t any elemental weaknesses in you or the enemies, so The only challenge comes from the actual fighting technique, perfect blocks perfect parries, and chaining together different summon powers. If you like the combat, you’ll enjoy doing the monster hunts, but there aren’t many hunts compared to other ff games.

    Overall, the story is decent, if a little lacking in focus. I’d probably say it’s worth picking up on sale, but it is not really worth the current price tag at all. It really is a shell of a final fantasy game compared to the past games. It’s a great looking action game, but it’s shallow.