Didn’t know poppy was still around.
She’s actually growing in popularity, opening for and collaborating with major bands. She’s booked on a lot of metal festivals as well.
Didn’t know poppy was still around.
She’s actually growing in popularity, opening for and collaborating with major bands. She’s booked on a lot of metal festivals as well.
Glad I canceled my subscription then.
My friend is pretty smart and he left France to work in the US a while ago. He’s pretty pissed at the election though, and afraid especially since his wife is black. He’s seriously considering moving back to France.
les attaques contre les juifs à Amsterdam
C’est un peu orienté comme formulation, les supporters israéliens ne sont pas que des victimes dans cette histoire, ils ont également commis des agressions verbales et physiques. Ce que la plupart des médias ont l’air de minimiser voire carrément omettre. Apparemment c’est l’expression “soutiens du génocide” qui pose problème ? Quand on voit les vidéos des supporters qui scandent “il n’y a pas d’écoles à Gaza, parce qu’on a tué tous les enfants” ça me semble pas complètement déconnant…
je ne comprends pas l’obsession de LFI pour la Palestine
Si j’étais cynique je dirais que ça colle avec la stratégie assumée de Mélenchon: « Il faut mobiliser la jeunesse et les quartiers populaires. Tout le reste, laissez tomber, on perd notre temps ». Après ça me semble légitime de s’insurger contre les exactions de l’armée israélienne et de la réaction pour le moins timide des occidentaux.
You should get all the stats you need in the upcoming years. Not sure it will make a difference though.
Voilà, ou tout simplement qu’on a que celui-là.
It’s a huge ball they put up in Las Vegas because why the fuck not I guess? It seems to be a huge screen because it was a US flag in the other picture I’ve seen.
Nick Fuentes, for one. He seems pretty proud of it judging by his Twitter.
I went through all of these, and honestly plugging in a single cable into your laptop and having power, external display, network and input peripherals all connect instantly is pretty damn cool.
Yeah but they weren’t one of the main driving forces behind a major political party at the time.
OK you guys sure seem to take your pandering really seriously, so here you go: I’m sorry, this scene is peak writing and a major step for inclusivity. EA is a true champion of the LGBT community, and certainly not a bunch of soulless businessmen driven by profits and focus groups.
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
I’m not bothered at all lol, I would have already forgotten about it if you weren’t so bothered yourself :) But yeah, IMO it would have been better if they had used a less “modern” word. You did notice that fantasy characters usually don’t speak like they’re from the 21st century, right?
Did you read the article? I found it pretty convincing, as an example “non-binary” is not a word I expect to be said in a fantasy setting. The author also mentions a fantasy book where it’s done much more naturally.
If you read the article you’ll see that the author takes issue not with the inclusion itself, but the hamfisted way in which it is included. Pandering can be fine, but when it’s just checking boxes in a cringy, lazy way it’s not, and worse it becomes fodder for the gamergate type to rage about.
(If you haven’t seen Severance yet, get on your big screen and watch it now, you won’t regret it)
I understand why [you] think too many people have died.
Like it’s a fucking matter of opinion… “Some may think there are too many dead babies, but hey, some feel that there are not enough! So really we should meet in the middle and decide on an acceptable number of dead babies which satisfies both parties.”
Ce mec est une sombre merde et il mérite d’être puni. Donc je vais certainement pas m’apitoyer sur son sort, mais une peine de prison ferme me semblerait effectivement disproportionnée par rapport aux faits reprochés.
EDIT: si je comprends bien il a pris 6 mois fermes ? Je comprends pas trop le commentaire de Ziggurat du coup…
Hell, if I knew however much money I spent, someone would always foot the bill if I ran out, I too would spend like no tomorrow in order to get more money for free. It’s plain logic.
Why did $manager hire two more people? We don’t need them, half the team has no idea what they’re doing here and are just fucking around all day already.
Yeah but he still has some budget left, and if he doesn’t spend it all next year he’ll get less, and we can’t have that.
Lots of modern indie or AA games are cheap and really, really good.