• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I agree remasters are hit or miss.

    Take Diablo 2 for example, which is epic level of remaster. The game is virtually identical to the original. It’s just working better on modern hardware and can be played in high resolution with shinier graphics. But you can still turn it to (almost) 1:1 copy of original with single keypress. I’m all for this.

    And now take Warcraft 3 remaster from the “same Blizzard”… This is an example of how things should NOT be done.

    Given both these coming from the same company, there’s no telling in how any remaster will turn out in the end. Which is… not very reassuring?

  • Well, since I’m not native speaker I sometimes tend to miss some words/context without reading “subtitles” during voiceovers. On the other hand I’m glad there’s voiceover because it usually helps with immersion.

    Fail to progress reminds me of my playthrough of Fallout 1 with very low INT character. Some conversation were priceless. It was usually things like “Mmmhm, unga bunga, huh” from my character and then sigh from the NPC like “Oh no, another village idiot…” I highly recommend to at least check some of these low int conversations on youtube - hillarious.

  • I manage to play usually about 4 nights a week, so about day or two between sessions. This should be okay.

    Reading all the comments, it looks like DE might be great pick for this interrupted play through. Glad to hear that, because everyone says it’s a great game.

    Even though I have games like Skyrim or Kingdom Come at my account, it’s almost impossible to dig into those with this kind of gaming schedule. LA Noire was really great game for this.