Jaded. Please, fuck off.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The vast majority of games work just fine with 16gb RAM. I recommend running your higher speed modules as dual-channel and selling/repurposing your previous hardware.

    Unless they are the same brand and specification, patchwork RAM tends to have compatibility issues leading to software hanging and potential crashes. YMMV.

    ETA: Honestly you’re more bottlenecked by your CPU. I’d recommend finding a used Zen2 chip if you can, such as the Ryzen 5 3600. I have a 3600x in my home desktop with a basic Coolermaster dry tower. I’ve never gone over 70°F/~21°C on fairly high settings of TW:3K. That should speak enough of Zen2’s performance.

  • This is almost word-for-word an interaction I had with a coworker yesterday. Said she voted Orange this primary because “he’s the only one to fix this damn gender issue”, so I asked her what she thought of his policies on foreign affairs and the domestic wage gap.

    I got a double-chinned shrug and an “idunno”. Lmfao our country is going to burn because a vast swath of people would rather see hundreds of thousands prosecuted for socially-engineered offenses instead of nurturing the human condition.

    On a solemn note, our country’s governance has become a joke. A circus of clowns too busy honking horns and throwing pies at each other to notice the tent around them is ablaze. To everyone, please, do not take our country’s governance as a joke. Serious, irreversible consequences oft come from impotent or non-existent legislative power.

    We stand at a precipice, so please vote. Vote. VOTE. VOTE.