Attempting solidarity pragmatically.

I don’t believe in imaginary property.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Important to note there are options.

    I’ve been relatively pleased with the duckduckgo mobile browser. There are a reasonable amount of chromium forks that aim for privacy oriented browsing as well, although I don’t have a specific one to endorse.

    I guess in defense of Mozilla: it isn’t really playing a different game in the browser space, they’re just trying to mitigate some of the toxicity of ad revenue as a foundation. They’re still a non profit hiring from the same pool as the tech industry money printing machine.

    There’s still a limited pool of support they have to pull from, and I like it better with them around so the big 3 don’t have a total monopoly on browser architecture.

    That said it’s maybe the best example the model is flawed at the jump.

  • It’s a very interesting thought, but it will always struggle to account for variables you can’t see.

    It’s always going to be designed top down to approximate your own development as human from the ground up. I don’t douby AI as a feasible possibility, but I don’t think we’re headed for digital clones. They’re always going to have some amount of the creators ghost or assumptions in the machine.

  • I’m not immersed enough in the specific code to load images and would like to know as well, but I can attest it’s definitely a problem in email architecture. is probably the party you want if you want first hand info.

    Also a stellar example of why I wish we could actually work together a little more. The ideological opt out of raddles software shows there are indeed legitimate concerns on platform privacy, but rather than work to harden it we’re behind walls hucking pejoratives. Hundreds of years of team red vs team black, and I am exhausted with it.

  • Well this is the most dystopian thing I’ve seen today. The RFK article alone is a single right leaning source quoted twice and does 0 analysis on any claim.

    If you fundamentally believe quoting NBC and the NY post is useful as ‘both sides’, I think you’re a shame to your name, or beyond sheltered.

    I’m not even endorsing it, but if you want at least a veneer of lefty opinions start with Jacobin, they’re the ideological opposite of Fox news if there is one. And even on the worst day the content is better sourced.

    Quoting fox news and NPR is useful if you have something to add, or analyze, not scrape and then provide no direct quotes.

    You want an actually useful AI project? Take every direct word from public speeches and fact check it from public/govt DBs.

  • I mean I didn’t graduate with a lit degree and spent my career in IT so I guess you can take a cross disciplinary endorsement. I was just a nerd.

    His writing and timing are impeccable if you see it live, which is kind of lost on the page.

    I found the histories worth reading because he’s editorializing history in his time. You have to remember his audience was us plebs, so we get the gossip instead of the record. You know too many times in history the hot gossip got covered by… literally Shakespeare?

    The fact that he’s to the English language what the Beatles are to rock music feels eternally relevant too.

  • It’s a distilled version of ‘the wisdom of the crowds’. With all the dog piling that comes with reactions to things that are pointed at the wrong audience. There’s generally some people with baggage in there somewhere who will take issue, and you get downvoted.

    However, what’s always interesting about these platforms is where good ideas rise, where they come from, and how controversial they are, all of which you lose with the twitter/mastodon architecture.

    It may be easier to find your crowd, but how useful is that to you depends on what you use your online presence for.