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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • i don’t think pushing for Biden is leading to a Trump win, because i don’t see many people pushing for Biden. i see a lot of people (social media, talking heads, news outlets) complaining about Biden.

    if Dems and progressives want to defeat Trump, well, you coulda fooled me because that’s not what their behavior accomplishes. it looks like a great many are weakening and undermining our current path to success. right now, with no compelling alternative, that means a Trump win.

    as far as i can tell, we can support Biden or continue to shoot at our own feet in a panic which only makes the opposition stronger.

  • because we don’t beat dumbfuck if people don’t get out to vote. for all their asshattery, republicans get one thing right - they tow the party line when it counts. by contrast, dems have been projecting increasing hysteria and doubt over the last several weeks. how does that motivate anyone?

    i think AOC cares about results. the results aren’t going to be good if dems don’t get it together and vote for Biden or whichever politician gets the nomination. doesn’t even matter at this point who it is.

  • i could say a lot in response to your comment about the benefits and shortcomings of algorithms (or put another way, screening tools or assessments), but i’m tired.

    i will just point out this, for anyone reading.


    i am exceedingly troubled that something which is commonly regarded as indicating very high risk when working with victims of domestic violence was ignored in the cited case (disclaimer - i haven’t read the article). if the algorithm fails to consider history of strangulation, it’s garbage. if the user of the algorithm did not include that information (and it was disclosed to them), or keyed it incorrectly, they made an egregious error or omission.

    i suppose, without getting into it, i would add - 35 questions (ie established statistical risk factors) is a good amount. large categories are fine. no screening tool is totally accurate, because we can’t predict the future or have total and complete understanding of complex situations. tools are only useful to people trained to use them and with accurate data and inputs. screening tools and algorithms must find a balance between accurate capture and avoiding false positives.

  • i hear you, fellow texan. no fan of ercot, but reading this thread has been infuriating.

    for anyone else reading my comment - some years ago, i lived in oklahoma for a little while. years of drought, one year a lot rain. lots of trees with a lot dead branches weighted by new growth, then that winter an ice storm hit. trees bigger than my car came crashing down and it was all over the town i lived in. for three days in the silence, you could hear branches cracking and falling. two houses down a tree went right through their living room. one end of our street was impassable for several days until someone could cut one tree into small enough pieces to clear it.

    needless to say, power was out. parts of town had power back within days, some parts of the state, if i remember correctly, didn’t have power for weeks.

    grid stability or redundancy couldn’t have prevented that problem.
