Pretty sure he lost in the square of public opinion years ago, now he’s just capitalizing on it.
Pretty sure he lost in the square of public opinion years ago, now he’s just capitalizing on it.
Insofar as Blizz-Activision does, yeah.
It’s sending a sacrificial pawn so the tyrant doesn’t think of their absence.
They got Bethesda now, too.
No, but they do have an effect on emotional states.
What’d you call me?
I want to eat
I want to have shelter
You know… I don’t think it really works for all things.
Yeah, but to them he’s the “anti-government”.
It flies in the face of rationality, of course, but so does most conservative ideology.
These days “conservatives” despise anything that has a hint of government smell on it. Not because of anything meaningful or anything, of course, just that “government bad”.
Forgot to opt in maybe?
Or, for the more sinister approach, forgot people had to opt in to organ donation and was just taking organs willy-nilly?
Did that have to do with his comfort and safety, or just some hobby he uses to trick people into giving him money?
These people use their power and influence to stave off time and death as their prime motivator, just look at his hairline for the best evidence.
Doing a real good job of building bridges to convey your ideas, I see…
Unless of course you don’t want to share thoughts and just want to be right.
With banks there’s a financial incentive for private institutions to provide barriers. Barriers that can still be bypassed with the right tools and initiative. That incentive doesn’t exist for media providers. They just want their content as accessible as possible. Meaning any roadblocks they’re forced to utilize will be half-assed at best.
Not to mention it’s a stupid idea in the first place. Banning something doesn’t make it better, it just makes it more tantalizing. Just look at prohibition, or abstinence only education. All it does is create a more unsafe environment for those outlets.
What about the lonely milfs in my area? You can’t tell me they don’t actually want my body…
I had a bank account when I was 11.
I think it’d look better with a belt.
Being human doesn’t make you good. Plenty of humans are monsters. They’re not some eldritch evil that simply started existing hating, they chose this.
That makes them worse, of course… but still very very human.
You do understand that, unlike most wild animals, humans change at a much faster rate, right?
The point isn’t “humans did this (though admittedly I did throw a little jab in there)”, the point is “drastically changing an environment can have devastating consequences”.
Cooking takes time, ingredients, and if you want it palatable, ability. Fast food takes driving up to a location and saying “give me something easy”.
It’s not as fast as it used to be, but it’s still relatively quick, especially if it’s on your way home from wherever you are. Any extra time is just spent doomscrolling on your phone or listening to your preferred media pundit.
So… a predator it was unfamiliar with and had no defense against?
Apparently she plays Mac games.