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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I really appreciate your comment but yes, I use frigate on an HAOS system. It works incredible and I have six of their cameras running along with four others from a different brand. The other four I can manipulate completely via Firefox on HAOS. The Reolink cameras just have no other option than doing the initial setup and advanced configurations from windows. So I keep a lab pc connected to that environment just so if I want to tweek anything like fps, resolution, network settings (IP, gateway, etc) that I’m able to do so. The web interface once enabling the https service on the camera has garbage capabilities compared to my other cameras. It’s not a huge deal, I haven’t had to get into them for advanced settings in a few months but it really annoys me that I can’t do initial configuration and advanced settings from Linux.

  • I’m trying to figure out what to do with my lab workstation. If I want to mess with the settings of my Reolink cameras windows seems to be the only stable option sadly. I’ve tried their android software and it’s garbage. The web interface is very limited after enabling it in the settings via their software. Wine has not worked well for me. It’s an isolated lan so it’s not a huge deal but I really wish there was a Linux build. I love the hardware and don’t want to replace the physical cameras. Just so stupid they won’t support a Linux client.

  • My theory is that they are not actually straight. They actively decided to be straight against their true interests due to social pressures. They in turn feel that sexual preference for everybody is an active decision. Due to their constant battle with that they feel some level of acknowledgement is in order for them similar to the lgbtq community. Those people chose to be gay and get pride parades while I chose to be straight and get nothing energy.

  • The first humans were covered in fur. Once we created fire it was common to feel colder when away from the fire. This led to the creation of clothes. Once humans had created clothes to stay warm away from the fire they started shaving their bodies in order to display rock hard muscles to their mates in order to get laid. Over time only the strongest of hairs survived the constant shaving which is why we still have limited and varying degrees of body hair today. It used to be a very politically contentious subject on if it was moral to shave a baby or if you should wait until they were old enough to shave themselves. The down side to waiting for the pro shaving portion of the population was that the babies hair would thicken significantly as they aged if you waited. This would create a major disadvantage to them if they wanted to display as smooth chiseled tone as an adult. It is important to remember that back then adulthood was commonly accepted to start at the age of 12. The anti shaving populace quickly fell out of favor as a significant majority of humans would ultimately end up shaving regardless and it is undeniable that a major evolutionary advantage existed for those who were shaved as babies.

  • The officer force is definitely more progressive and generally better informed. One of the worst parts of living next to a military base is the maga conservative bullshit from retirees, vets, and the enlisted workforce. I have a high confidence in our uniformed officers. That’s not to say they don’t have their own crazies but as a general rule I don’t see the officers toeing the line to support bringing up arms against their friends, family, and communities who are protesting their rights being stripped away. It would be a mess in so many unpredictable ways.

  • My best friend who was big into Harley’s loaned me a zip up hoodie on a cold night a long time ago told me to keep it. He was kia oversees years back. I’ve never rode a motorcycle in my life and never will but I’m going to wear that hoodie several times a year until I’m no longer upright. I’d even pay good money to get it fixed if something happened to it.